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REGISTER NOW | One Day Course on The Effective Use of Research Tools Box and Resources


7 December 2013 (Saturday)
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
8.30am – 5:30pm
Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
RM150 (early bird rate) - payment before or by 23 November 2013
RM180 (normal rate) - payment from 24 November 2013 until closing date
1. Introduction
The search can be time consuming and sometimes tedious task. How can make it easier? How do deal with situations such as:
“I just join as new postgraduate students and I am not sure how to do a literature search”
“I have been in research for some time now but I spend a lot of time to get the articles I want”
“I am sure I have downloaded the article but I am not able to find it”
“I wanted to write a new paper, how can I manage the references in the shortest possible time?”
“I have many references, some of my old papers, and some of my current research. Sometimes, they are so many that I can’t recall where I have kept them in my folders!”
“I have written an article and I am not able to find a proper Journal”
"I want to increase the citation of my papers, how do I do?"
We need an effective search strategy can save hours of wasted research time and provide a clear direction for your research. The benefits of attending this workshop are numerous and include learning how to change the direction of searching to discover and how to use more efficient the tools that are available through the Net.
2. Objective
The workshop seeks to serve the following objectives:
To help students who seek to reduce the search time by expanding the knowledge of researchers to more effectively use the "tools" that are available through the Net.*
To evaluate the types of literature that researchers will encounter.
To convert the information on the search for a written document.
To help researchers learn how to search and analyze the right journal to submit.
To promote their publication for further citation.
* For more information on this workshop, see the Research Tools web page.
These two session workshops in one day, aim to help research students in order to reduce research time by developing researcher knowledge to use more effectively the “Tools” which are available through the net. Research Tools is the skill to understand and use information technology tools to carry out research, including the use of discipline-related software and online resources.
The online “Research Tools” box is included over 700 tools. However, the speaker tries to introduce all necessary tools to postgraduate students in a simple and applicable way.
3. Who should attend?
The workshop is aimed at postgraduate students, young academics and researchers who have started his/her research and would like to increase the effectiveness of the research. The e-skills learned from the workshop are useful across various research disciplines and research institutions. Participants should have the requisite computer skills prior to taking the workshop.
4. Tentative program
8:30am Registration
9:00am Introduce “Research Tools” Box
9:15am Developing a search strategy, Finding keyword
9:30am Finding proper articles,
9:45am Evaluate a paper/journal quality
10:00am To do an effective literature search
10:30am Tea break 1
11:00am Keeping up-to-date (Alert system)
11:15am Mind mapping tools
11:30am The paraphrasing & editing tool
11:45am Indexing desktop search tool
12:30pm Lunch break
2:00pm Avoid plagiarism
2:30pm Organize the references (Reference management) tool
2:45pm Target suitable journal
3:10pm The impact factor-Journal ranking
3:15pm Getting published
3:30pm Tea break 2
4:00pm Promote your publication to get more citation
4:30pm H-index importance
5:00pm Document-publishing tools
5:30pm Q&A and closing
Speaker Biodata
http://www.shuhairynorhisham.com/spssregistration/index_clip_image002.jpgNader Ale Ebrahim has a PhD degree from the University of Malaya. He has over 19 years experience in the technology management and new product development in different companies. Nader is active in sharing his research finding by conducting a series of workshops in UM, UiTM, UKM, UPM, MMU, IIUM and UTM. Nader developed a new method about using the “Research Tools” which help students who seek to reduce the search time by expanding the knowledge of researchers to more effectively use the "tools" that are available through the Net. He awarded as a Winner of Refer-a-Colleague Competition and received prizes from Thomson Reuters. Nader is well-known as the founder of “Research Tools” Box and developer of “Publication Marketing Tools”.
Registration fees cover refreshments and lunch. All fees must be fully paid before commencement of the course. Otherwise, participants will not be allowed to enter the lecture hall. Reservation/booking by intending participants should be made with payment as soon as possible. We accept payment via Local Order (LO). However, the price should be normal price and the LO must be sent prior to the event.

If a place is reserved and the intended participant failed to attend the course on the date of the event, the fee is to be settled in full. Fees paid are non-refundable. However, substitution of participant(s) will be permitted at the discretion of the organizer. In view of the limited places available, intending participants are advised to send their registration with the payment made as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

The organizer reserves the right to alter or change the programme due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort will be made to inform the registered participants of any changes. The organizer will not be responsible for the arrangement of participant's transportation and accommodation should there be any changes for the date of the workshop. The participant is responsible to check the MPWS official website from time to time for any changes, or contact the organizer directly.
Completed registration form accompanied by evidence of payment slip should reach the organizer not later than 3 working days before the commencement of the course.

If you require further details or clarifications, kindly contact the organizer
Malaysian Postgraduate Workshop Series (MPWS):

Email:mpws.training@gmail.com(Training) | Email:mpws.richtraining@gmail.com(General)

Juliana:+6012 561 3420| Caroline:+6017 327 3811(8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. | Monday - Friday)
Step 1: Payment Details
Make payment of RM150 / RM180 using Online Transfer / ATM Transfer / Cash Deposit / Cheque Deposit to the following account:
Account No.
Account Name
12370002150102MPWS Rich Resources
562834625989MPWS Rich Resources
12029010068527MPWS Rich Resources
* You need to put the email mpws.training@gmail.com as the 3rd party email when making payment through CIMB Clicks / Maybank2u / BankIslam.biz and others.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you always keep a record of transaction e.g. receipt for ATM Transfer / Cash Deposit / Cheque Deposit or print screen / PDF for Online Transaction as an evidence of payment during the registration.

INSTRUCTION: Please provide your transaction details e.g. reference number, etc. at the row of 'Proof of Payment Transaction'.
[IMPORTANT] Step 2: Instruction for Verification of Proof of Payment
Make sure you fill in the verification of your payment. You need to provide your booking details and proof of payment for us to track your registration and payment.

Verification Payment Form

Please complete the form below with the correct and valid information only.
Any false information is strictly prohibited. Your IP will be recorded for security purposes.
Denotes that the column MUST be filled up.
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Payment Date
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Proof of Payment Transaction e.g. reference number
(Please copy and paste all details if you use online transaction.
Type all details in Cash Deposit Machine receipt if using ATM machine)
Voucher Code:
(if using MPWS voucher)
MPWS Member Card Number
(if a member)
Additional Notes
(if required)
After you have submitted this online form, you will automatically receive an email. Please check your Spam / Trash folder in your email system if you did not receive the email your Inbox folder. Otherwise, please contact mpws.training@gmail.com for further assistance.
RM10 per training day from each registration fee will be donated to charity. For more info, please click here

Copyright Reserved MPWS 2013 | Best viewed at 1024 x 768 screen resolution.

REGISTER NOW | One Day Course on The Effective Use of Research Tools Box and Resources

arXiv:1311.3034 Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index

Xiv:1311.3034 (November 2013)
Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index
Maryam Farhadi, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Masood Fooladi, Hadi Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Received. 13 November 2013  Last updated. 13 November 2013
Abstract. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development on country's scientific ranking as measured by H-index. Moreover, this study applies ICT development sub-indices including ICT Use, ICT Access and ICT skill to find the distinct effect of these sub-indices on country's H-index. To this purpose, required data for the panel of 14 Middle East countries over the period 1995 to 2009 is collected. Findings of the current study show that ICT development increases the H-index of the sample countries. The results also indicate that ICT Use and ICT Skill sub-indices positively contribute to higher H-index but the effect of ICT access on country's H-index is not clear.
Categories. cs.DL
Subject. Digital Libraries
Comment. Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani
Journal-ref. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 57, 1 (2013) 122-127

arXiv:1311.3034 Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index

Eprintweb - Search Results

Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index
Maryam Farhadi, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi , Masood Fooladi, Hadi Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Comment: Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani
Journal-ref: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 57, 1 (2013) 122-127
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1311.3034 (November )
Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the h-index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Hadi Farhadi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Maryam Farhadi and Masood Fooladi
Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables
Journal-ref: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4), 198-202. March 2013
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1306.0727 (June )
Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Masood Fooladi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Maryam Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Farhadi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Comment: 7 pages, No figure
Journal-ref: Asian Social Science vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 176-182, April 27, 2013
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0379 (May )
A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases
Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Hadi Farhadi, Masood Fooladi, Maryam Farhadi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures
Journal-ref: Asian Social Science vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 18-26, April 27, 2013
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0377 (May )
Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Zahari Taha and M. A. Wazed
Comment: 4 pages
Journal-ref: (2012). Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1210.7889 (October )
The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
Journal-ref: Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2011, 10(2), Pages 109-114
Abstract | Full Text | References | Citations  arXiv:1207.6832 (July )

Eprintweb - Search Results

Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency by Nader Ale Ebrahim


Volume 6, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 93-99

Effective strategies for increasing citation frequency

Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
Department of Financial Sciences, University of Economic Sciences, Tehran, 1593656311, Iran
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Advance Informatics School (AIS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Due to the effect of citation impact on The Higher Education (THE) world university ranking system, most of the researchers are looking for some helpful techniques to increase their citation record. This paper by reviewing the relevant articles extracts 33 different ways for increasing the citations possibilities. The results show that the article visibility has tended to receive more download and citations. This is probably the first study to collect over 30 different ways to improve the citation record. Further study is needed to explore and expand these techniques in specific fields of study in order to make the results more precisely. © by the author(s).

Author keywords

Citation frequency; H-index; Improve citation; Open access; Research impact; University ranking
ISSN: 19139020Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n11p93Document Type: Article

Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency by Nader Ale Ebrahim, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Farid Habibi, Hossein Gholizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Motahar, Ali Ordi :: SSRN

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor? by Masood Fooladi

Volume 9, Issue 5, 27 April 2013, Pages 176-182

Does criticisms overcome the praises of journal impact factor?

Department of Accounting, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran
Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
School of Psychology and Human Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia


Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers' behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.

Author keywords

Criticism; Impact factor (IF); Journal ranking; Praise; Scopus; Self-citation; Web of science
ISSN: 19112017Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176Document Type: Article

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor? by Masood Fooladi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Maryam Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Farhadi, Nader Ale Ebrahim :: SSRN

Virtual R&D Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review by Nader Ale Ebrahim

Volume 4, Issue 13, December 2009, Pages 1575-1590

Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review  (Review)

Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the driving engine behind economic growth. While SMEs play a critical role in generating employment and supporting trade, they face numerous challenges, the prominent among them are the need to respond to fasting time-to-market, low-cost and rapid solutions to complex organizational problems. Towards that end, research and development (R & D) aspect deserves particular attention to promote and facilitate the operations of SMEs. Virtual R & D team could be a viable option. However, literature shows that virtual R & D teaming in SMEs is still at its infancy. This article provides a comprehensive literature review on different aspects of virtual R & D teams collected from the reputed publications. The purpose of the state-of-the-art literature review is to provide an overview on the structure and dynamics of R & D collaboration in SMEs. Specifying the foundation and importance of virtual teams, the relationship between virtual R & D team and SMEs has been examined. It concludes with the identification of the gaps in the existing literatures and calls for future research. It is argued that setting-up an infrastructure for virtual R & D team in SMEs still requires a large amount of engineering efforts and deserves consideration at top level management. © 2009 Academic Journals.

Author keywords

Literature review; Small and medium enterprises; Virtual teams
ISSN: 19922248Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
Document Type: Review

Virtual R&D Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review by Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha :: SSRN

A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases by Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani

Volume 9, Issue 5, 27 April 2013, Pages 18-26

A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of science and scopus databases

Department of Accounting, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran
Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
School of Psychology and Human Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia


Nowadays, the world's scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Besides searching the literature, these two databases used to rank journals in terms of their productivity and the total citations received to indicate the journals impact, prestige or influence. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive comparison of these databases to answer frequent questions which researchers ask, such as: How Web of Science and Scopus are different? In which aspects these two databases are similar? Or, if the researchers are forced to choose one of them, which one should they prefer? For answering these questions, these two databases will be compared based on their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Author keywords

Citation tracking; Citations; Coverage; Database; H-index; Impact factor; Indexing; Provenance; Researcher ID; Researcher profile; Scopus; Searching; Web of science
ISSN: 19112017Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p18Document Type: Article

A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases by Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Hadi Farhadi, Masood Fooladi, Maryam Farhadi, Nader Ale Ebrahim :: SSRN

A Study of Virtual Value Management Workshop: Identifying Risks of Its Implementation

© 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers
Value Management (VM) studies often encounter a problem that key stakeholders of a construction project are geographically dispersed and it is difficult to assemble them in a specific location on appointed time to conduct such VM studies. Therefore, virtual VM workshop is proposed to enable online participation of project stakeholders. This paper presented major risks in conducting virtual VM workshop for construction projects. In order to identify these risks, the critical success factors (CSFs) were identified first. A literature review, an experimental study and a follow-up questionnaire survey were conducted to identify the CSFs and the problems. Meanwhile, a Virtual VM System (VVMS) has been developed in this research to support the implementation of VM workshops. Finally, 7 major risks of virtual VM workshops are identified, and how to measure these risks in virtual VM studies is also discussed.

Read More: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/9780784413135.067

A Study of Virtual Value Management Workshop: Identifying Risks of Its Implementation (ASCE)

A conceptual meta-framework for managing multicultural global virtual teams


A conceptual meta-framework for managing multicultural global virtual teams

Barbara Hardy Institute (BHI), School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, G.P.O. Box 2471, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia


Although GVTs can bring about many benefits for organisations, the potential advantages of using GVTs largely depend upon fulfilling the requirements prescribed by the critical success factors (CSFs) of implementing GVTs such as resolving the multiculturalism issues. Likewise, it is acknowledged that management aspects of implementing GVTs present one of the most complicated tasks in deploying the foregoing teams in organisations. These complications have roots in the necessity of using ICTs as the main medium exacerbated by multiculturalism and geographical dispersion of members. The area is in need of further research, which necessitates building intermediate theories and frameworks. This paper aims at critically observing and analysing the existing literature on managing GVTs as the first step resulting in developing theoretical frameworks. Drawing upon a dynamic integrated approach, this paper presents a conceptual meta-framework for incorporating different issues of managing GVTs titled as 'Dynamic Package of Managing' (DPM) global virtual teams. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Author keywords

Global virtual teams; GVTs; Management; Members; Multiculturalism; Networking; Virtual organisations
ISSN: 14709503Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2013.057280Document Type: Article

Inderscience Publishers: publishers of distinguished academic, scientific and professional journals

Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency by Nader Ale Ebrahim

Volume 6, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 93-99

Effective strategies for increasing citation frequency

Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
Department of Financial Sciences, University of Economic Sciences, Tehran, 1593656311, Iran
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Advance Informatics School (AIS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Due to the effect of citation impact on The Higher Education (THE) world university ranking system, most of the researchers are looking for some helpful techniques to increase their citation record. This paper by reviewing the relevant articles extracts 33 different ways for increasing the citations possibilities. The results show that the article visibility has tended to receive more download and citations. This is probably the first study to collect over 30 different ways to improve the citation record. Further study is needed to explore and expand these techniques in specific fields of study in order to make the results more precisely. © by the author(s).

Author keywords

Citation frequency; H-index; Improve citation; Open access; Research impact; University ranking
ISSN: 19139020Source Type: JournalOriginal language: English
DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n11p93Document Type: Article

Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency by Nader Ale Ebrahim, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Farid Habibi, Hossein Gholizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Motahar, Ali Ordi :: SSRN

SSRN TOP 10 Papers for Journal of Structural Dimensions & Organizational Behavior

ALL TIME HITS (for all papers in SSRN eLibrary)
TOP 10 Papers for Journal of Structural Dimensions & Organizational Behavior eJournal

January 2, 1997 to November 20, 2013

RankDownloadsPaper Title
1 2235 What is the Right Organization Design?
Richard L. Daft, N. Anand,
Imperial College London, Vanderbilt University - Organizational Behavior,
Date posted to database: February 5, 2007
Last Revised: November 19, 2012
2 2052 Choice Structures and Business Strategy
Pankaj Ghemawat, Daniel Levinthal,
Harvard University - Strategy Unit, University of Pennsylvania - Management Department,
Date posted to database: April 8, 2001
Last Revised: December 27, 2011
3 1547 Short-Termism, the Financial Crisis, and Corporate Governance
Lynne Dallas,
University of San Diego School of Law,
Date posted to database: February 16, 2012
Last Revised: March 23, 2012
4 1438 General Electric's Quest for Global Competitive Advantage: In Search of Structural and Strategic Alignment
B. Tim Lowder,
Saint Leo University,
Date posted to database: December 14, 2006
Last Revised: August 26, 2009
5 1263 Human Resource Management with Small Firms; Facts and Explanations
Roy Thurik, Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Jan M. P. de Kok,
EIM Business and Policy Research, EDHEC Business School, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Centre for Advanced Small Business Economics (CASBEC),
Date posted to database: May 28, 2003
Last Revised: November 10, 2009
6 1153 Corporate Governance in Teaching Hospitals: A Study on a University Hospital
Vinícius Silva Pereira, Professor Vidigal, Peterson Elizandro Gandolfi, Júlio Cesar Massuda,
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Doutorando Administração EAESP/FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Doutorando - EAESP/FGVFundação Getúlio Vargas, Federal University of Uberlândia - Brazil - UFU, Unaffiliated Authors - affiliation not provided to SSRN,
Date posted to database: July 29, 2011
Last Revised: August 3, 2011
7 1020 Toward the 24-Hour Knowledge Factory
Amar Gupta, Satwik Seshasai,
Pace University - The Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Date posted to database: February 24, 2006
Last Revised: October 11, 2007
8 920 Standardizing Social Responsibility? New Perspectives on Guidance Documents and Management System Standards for Sustainable Development
Rüdiger Hahn,
Universität Kassel,
Date posted to database: January 7, 2012
Last Revised: February 13, 2013
9 849 Strategies for Business Process Outsourcing: An Analysis of Alternatives, Opportunities and Risks
Subrata Chakrabarty,
University of Nebraska at Lincoln - Management Department,
Date posted to database: June 16, 2008
Last Revised: June 17, 2012
10 812 Virtual R&D Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha,
University of Malaya (UM) - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya (UM) - Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya (UM), University of Malaya (UM),
Date posted to database: January 5, 2010
Last Revised: February 2, 2010

SSRN Top Downloads

Mobility Matters: Technology, Telework, and the (Un)sustainable Consumption of Distance


Mobility Matters: Technology, Telework, and the (Un)sustainable Consumption of Distance

The development of trust in distributed teams. A long shot?

Título : El desarrollo de la confianza en equipos distribuidos : ¿una posibilidad remota?
Autor : Veinsten, Marcela
Palabras clave : Virtual work teams -- Management -- Case studies.
Communication in management -- Case studies.
Equipos de trabajo virtual -- Administración -- Casos de estudio.
Comunicación en la administración -- Casos de estudio.
Fecha de publicación : 11-nov-2013
Resumen : El desarrollo de la confianza en los equipos remotos es producto de varias condiciones internas y externas al equipo interrelacionadas e interdependientes. Ha sido estudiado en diversos contextos analizando su impacto en los resultados y su relación con otros procesos socioemocionales y de tarea, encontrando modelos variados de explicación. Más allá de los diferentes hallazgos, todos concluyen que es un requisito indispensable en equipos que trabajan en forma distribuida. El presente estudio de carácter cualitativo en equipos de trabajo temporales dedicados al desarrollo de aplicaciones de sistemas nos ha permitido explorar el desarrollo de la confianza y su relación con dos procesos de equipo: la comunicación mediada por la tecnología y el tratamiento de los conflictos. Nos hemos preguntado cómo se desarrolla la confianza en estos equipos y cuál es su relación con el uso de los medios y la forma de abordar el conflicto. Hemos encontrado que en este tipo de equipo la confianza se construye y se mantiene principalmente cuando los miembros valoran el aporte técnico de cada integrante. Se prioriza la confianza en las competencias profesionales respecto de los otros tipos de confianza. Si bien el uso diferenciado de los medios de comunicación y su grado de sincronía son contemplados en los intercambios, no se ha encontrado un patrón común que permita establecer una relación entre la forma que asume este proceso y el nivel de confianza desarrollado. Los conflictos que presentan mayor relevancia desde la percepción de estos equipos son aquellos asociados a la tarea. No se ha observado una relación estrecha entre la forma de tratamiento del conflicto y el nivel de desarrollo de confianza alcanzado. Reflexionamos finalmente sobre el aporte de este estudio a la teoría del desarrollo de la confianza en los equipos remotos y algunas implicancias prácticas de los hallazgos obtenidos. Palabras clave: equipos remotos, confianza, tratamiento de conflicto, comunicación mediada por la tecnología.
Descripción : 2013. 126 h. ; 30 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 plg.). Tesis (maestría)--Universidad de San Andrés, 2013. Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10908/928
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Maestría en Estudios Organizacionales

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Repositorio Digital San Andrés: El desarrollo de la confianza en equipos distribuidos : ¿una posibilidad remota?

Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index

EconPapers: Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team


Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team

Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
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Abstract: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered as an engine for economic growth all over the world and especially for developing countries. During the past decade, new product development (NPD) has increasingly been recognized as a critical factor in ensuring the continued survival of SMEs. On the other hand, the rapid rate of market and technological changes has accelerated in the past decade, so this turbulent environment requires new methods and techniques to bring successful new products to the marketplace. Virtual team can be a solution to answer the requested demand. However, literature have shown no significant differences between traditional NPD and virtual NPD in general, whereas NPD in SME's virtual team has not been systematically investigated in developing countries. This paper aims to bridge this gap by first reviewing the NPD and its relationship with virtuality and then identifies the critical factors of NPD in virtual teams. The statistical method was utilized to perform the required analysis of data from the survey. The results were achieved through factor analysis at the perspective of NPD in some Malaysian and Iranian manufacturing firms (N = 191). The 20 new product development factors were grouped into five higher level constructs. It gives valuable insight and guidelines, which hopefully will help managers of firms in developing countries to consider the main factors in NPD.
Keywords:Survey; findings; new; product; development; factor; analysis; virtual; team; medium-sized; enterprises; knowledge; management; perspective; innovation; internet; network; questionnaires; communication; information; integration (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2010
Note: View the original document on HAL open archive server: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00593363/en/
References:View references in EconPapersView complete reference list from CitEc
CitationsView citations in EconPapers (4) Track citations by RSS feed
Published, African Journal of Business Management, 2010, 4, 11, 2247-2257
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http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/59/33/63/P ... pments-AJBM_2010.pdf (application/pdf)
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Working Paper: Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team (2010) Downloads
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EconPapers: Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team

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[4]  arXiv:1311.3034 [pdf]
Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country'S H-Index
Maryam Farhadi (IAU, Mobarakeh), Hadi Salehi (UKM), Mohamed Amin Embi (UKM), Masood Fooladi (IAU, Mobarakeh), Hadi Farhadi (UKM), Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani (IAU, Mobarakeh), Nader Ale Ebrahim (UM)
Comments: Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani
Journal-ref: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 57, 1 (2013) 122-127
Subjects:Digital Libraries (cs.DL)

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Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map - Repository of the Academy's Library


Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map

Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2013) Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map. Research World, 10 (4). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0974-2379
Research World, Volume 10, 2013.pdf

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With the increasing use of information and communications technology (ICT), researchers are able to use computer software tools to find, organise, manipulate, analyse, and share relevant information. However, there are hundreds of such tools to select from, for various research-related uses. I have collected over 700 tools that can help researchers do their work efficiently. It is assembled as an interactive Web-based mind map, titled Research Tools, which is updated periodically. Created using the MindMeister software platform, Research Tools provides a convenient interface with zoom in/out, screen drag, and other user-friendly features. Being a mind map, Research Tools consists of a hierarchical set of nodes. It has four main nodes: (1) Searching the literature, (2) Writing a paper, (3) Targeting suitable journals, and (4) Enhancing visibility and impact, and six auxiliary nodes. In the mind map, each parent node has several child nodes associated with it, which can be accessed by clicking on the plus (+) sign. Several free tools can be found in the child nodes. Some paid tools are also included. The four main nodes are described below, listing some tools as examples. In the mind map, a green tick sign indicates my preference for some tools. Users can access the tools by clicking on the arrow sign that appears next to the tool title.
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:e-skills, Digital research tools, Research Tools, Emerging tools
Subjects:A General Works / általános művek > AC Collections. Series. Collected works / gyűjteményes munkák, sorozatok
L Education / oktatás > L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában
L Education / oktatás > LB Theory and practice of education / oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata
Q Science / természettudomány > Q1 Science (General) / természettudomány általában
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > T2 Technology (General) / műszaki tudományok általában
Depositing User:Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
Date Deposited:16 Jun 2013 14:17
Last Modified:16 Jun 2013 14:17

Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map - Repository of the Academy's Library

Items where Author is "Ale Ebrahim, Nader" - OpenDepot.org

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Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2013) Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map. Research World, 10 (4). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0974-2379
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Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2012) Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Scientific Research and Essay, 7 (21). pp. 1971-1985. ISSN 1992-2248
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2012) Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1793-8244
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Raval, MR. R. R. and Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) WORK TOGETHER… WHEN APART CHALLENGES AND WHAT IS NEED FOR EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAMS. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration, 1 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0975 – 671X
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Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Innovation and R & D Activities in Virtual Team. European Journal of Scientific Research, 34 (3). pp. 297-307. ISSN 1450-216X
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Virtual Teams: a Literature Review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 2653-2669. ISSN 1991-8178
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What kind of "Research Tools" have you used during your research journey? - gaudeamus


What kind of "Research Tools" have you used during your research journey?

I have collected over 700 tools that can help researchers do their work efficiently. It is assembled as an interactive Web-based mind map, titled "Research Tools", which is updated periodically. I would like to know your personal experience on any kind of "Research Tools" that you are using for facilitating your research.

What kind of "Research Tools" have you used during your research journey? - gaudeamus
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