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Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs - E-LIS repository


Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari and Wazed, M. A. Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, vol. 433-44, pp. 1653-1659. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
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English abstract

This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The study focused on the influence of virtual research and development (R&D) teams within Malaysian manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is better understanding of the application of collaborative technologies in business, to find the effective factors to assist SMEs to remain competitive in the future. The paper stresses to find an answer for a question “Is there any relationship between company size, Internet connection facility and virtuality?”. The survey data shows SMEs are now technologically capable of performing the virtual collaborative team, but the infrastructure usage is less. SMEs now have the necessary technology to begin the implementation process of collaboration tools to reduce research and development (R&D) time, costs and increase productivity. So, the manager of R&D should take the potentials of virtual teams into account.
Item type: Journal Article (Print/Paginated)
Keywords:Small and medium enterprises, Collaborative tools, Questionnaires, Virtual teams.
Subjects:C. Users, literacy and reading.
G. Industry, profession and education.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
L. Information technology and library technology.
Depositing user:Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
Date deposited:03 Jul 2013 14:09
Last modified:03 Jul 2013 14:09


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M. Xiaozhen, et al., "Collaborative Product Development in SMEs: A case study for CRC," in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics(INDIN’06), Singapore, 2006, pp. 938-942.
H. J. Lee, et al., "A contingent approach on knowledge portal design for R&D teams: Relative importance of knowledge portal functionalities," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. ARTICLE IN PRESS, 2008.
H. F. Zhan, et al., "A web-based collaborative product design platform for dispersed network manufacturing," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 138, pp. 600-604, 2003.
N. Ale Ebrahim, et al., "Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development," in The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and the 11th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia, 2008, pp. 795-806.
T. R. Eikebrokk and D. H. Olsen, "An empirical investigation of competency factors affecting e-business success in European SMEs," Information & Management, vol. 44, pp. 364-383 2007.
O. Gassmann and M. M. Keupp, "The competitive advantage of early and rapidly internationalising SMEs in the biotechnology industry: A knowledge-based view," Journal of World Business, vol. 42, pp. 350-366, 2007.
M. Flores, "IFIP International Federation for Information Processing," in Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Fireworks. vol. 224, Boston: Springer, 2006, pp. 55-66.
T. Pihkala, et al., "Virtual organization and the SMEs: a review and model development," Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, vol. 11, pp. 335 - 349, 1999.
N. A. Ebrahim, et al., "Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team," African Journal of Business Management, vol. 4, pp. 2247-2257, Sep 2010.
A. May and C. Carter, "A case study of virtual team working in the European automotive industry," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 27, pp. 171-186, 2001.
N. A. Ebrahim, et al., "SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review," International Journal of the Physical Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 916-930, Jul 2010.
M. Sorli, et al., "Managing product/process knowledge in the concurrent/simultaneous enterprise environment," Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 22, pp. 399–408, 2006.
N. O’Regan and A. Ghobadian, "Testing the homogeneity of SMEs - The impact of size on managerial and organisational processes," European Business Review, vol. 16, pp. 64-79, 2004.
M. Ayyagari, et al., "Small and Medium Enterprises Across the Globe," Small Business Economics, vol. 29, pp. 415-434, 2007.
H. H. Schröder, "Past, Present and Future of Knowledge Integration," in Knowledge Integration-The Practice of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises, A. Jetter, et al., Eds.: Physica-Verlag HD, 2006, pp. 175-191.
N. A. Ebrahim, et al., "Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs," African Journal of Business Management, vol. 4, pp. 2368-2379, Sep 2010.
N. Ale Ebrahim, et al., "Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review," Scientific Research and Essay, vol. 4, pp. 1575–1590, December 2009.
T. Y. Choi, "Korea's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Unsung Heroes or Economic Laggards?," Academy of Management Executive, vol. 17, pp. 128-129, 2003.
M. B. Nunes, et al., "Knowledge management issues in knowledge-intensive SMEs," Journal of Documentation, vol. 62, pp. 101-119, 2006.
K. Blomqvist, et al., "Towards networked R&D management: the R&D approach of Sonera Corporation as an example," R&D Management, vol. 34, pp. 591-603, 2004.
B. Rosen, et al., "Overcoming Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams," Organizational Dynamics, vol. 36, pp. 259–273, 2007.
K. E. Dickson and A. Hadjimanolis, "Innovation and networking amongst small manufacturing firms in Cyprus," International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 4, pp. 5-17, 1998.
R. E. Miles, et al., "TheFuture.org " Long Range Planning, vol. 33, pp. 300-321, 2000.
M. Von Zedtwitz and O. Gassmann, "Market versus technology drive in R&D internationalization: four different patterns of managing research and development," Research Policy, vol. 31,pp. 569-588, 2002.
O. Jones and A. Macpherson, "Inter-Organizational Learning and Strategic Renewal in SMEs," Long Range Planning, vol. 39, pp. 155-175, 2006.
P. H. Dickson, et al., "Opportunism in the R&D alliances of SMES: The roles of the institutional environment and SME size," Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 21, pp. 487–513 2006.
M. K. Sharma and R. Bhagwat, "Practice of information systems: Evidence from select Indian SMEs," Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 17, pp. 199 - 223, 2006.
J. O. Gomez and M. Simpson, "Achieving competitive advantage in the Mexican footwear industry," Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 14, pp. 289-305, 2007.
B. Dong and S. Liu, "Implementation of Web Resource Service to Product Design " in International Federation for Information Processing -Knowledge Enterprise: Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing, and Management. vol. 207, K. Wang, et al., Eds., Boston: Springer 2006.
SMIDEC. (2008). Malaysian SME Business Directory (4th ed.). Available: http://www.yellowpages.com.sg/newiyp/jsp/osme/OsmeSearchBox.jsp
S. J. Sills and C. Song, "Innovations in Survey Research: An Application of Web-Based Surveys," Social Science Computer Review, vol. 20, pp. 22-30, February 2002.
M. Denscombe, "Web-Based Questionnaires and the Mode Effect: An Evaluation Based on Completion Rates and Data Contents of Near-Identical Questionnaires Delivered in Different Modes," Social Science Computer Review, vol. 24, pp. 246-254, May 2006.
S. D. Gosling, et al., "Should We Trust Web-Based Studies? A Comparative Analysis of Six Preconceptions About Internet Questionnaires," American Psychologist, vol. 59, pp. 93-104, 2004.
E. Deutskens, et al., "An assessment of equivalence between online and mail surveys in service research," Journal of Service Research, vol. 8, pp. 346-355, May 2006.

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Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs - E-LIS repository

Activity | LabRoots | A Scientific Social Networking Website

Categories: Computer Sciences, Education, Engineering
Keywords: Educational Assessment, Industrial Engineering, Research Tools, Technology Management, Virtual R&D Teams, Virtual Teams

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., Abdul Rashid, S. H., & Taha, Z. (2012). Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Scientific Research and Essay, 7(21), 1971-1985. doi: 10.5897/SRE10.1005

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Ale Ebrahim, N. (2013). How to write a review paper. Research Tools in Education Series, 2(5), 1-118.

Nader Ale Ebrahim

A comprehensive definition of virtual teams may be taken as: small temporary groups of geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed knowledge workers who coordinate their work, predominantly with electronic information and communication technologies in order to accomplish one or more organization tasks (Ale Ebrahim et al., 2009). Nowadays, this definition have gained popularity as found ...See More

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Virtual R&D Teams Definition
Nader Ale Ebrahim
The literature related to virtual R&D teams reveals a lack of depth in the definitions (Ale Ebrahim et al., 2010). Although virtual teamwork is a current topic in the literature concerning global organizations, it is problematic to define the meaning of 'virtual teams' across multiple institutional contexts (Chudoba et al., 2005). The concep...See More
Virtual team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Virtual team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Fooladi, M., Salehi, H., Yunus, M. M., Farhadi, M., Aghaei Chadegani, A., Farhadi, H., & Ale Ebrahim, N. (2013). Do Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor? Asian Social Science, 9(5), 176-182. doi: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Aghaei Chadegani, A., Salehi, H., Yunus, M. M., Farhadi, H., Fooladi, M., Farhadi, M., & Ale Ebrahim, N. (2013). A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases. Asian Social Science, 9(5), 18-26. doi: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p18

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Ale Ebrahim, N. (2013). Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map. Research World, 10(4), 1-3.

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Farhadi, H., Salehi, H., Yunus, M. M., Aghaei Chadegani, A., Farhadi, M., Fooladi, M., et al. (2013). Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the h-index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers? Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4), 198-202, doi:arXiv:1306.0727.

Nader Ale Ebrahim

http://www.mindmeister.com/39583892/research-tools-by-nader-ale-ebrahim With the increasing use of information and communications technology (ICT), researchers are able to use computer software tools to find, organise, manipulate, analyse, and share relevant information. However, there are hundreds of such tools to select from, for various research-related uses. I have collected over 700 tools that can help researchers do their work efficiently. It is assembled as an ...See More
Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim
Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim

Activity | LabRoots | A Scientific Social Networking Website

Peer Evaluation : Nader Ale Ebrahim


Nader Ale Ebrahim

Independent researcher

Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Areas(s)Engineering, Education, Management
Subject(s)Management, Technology Management, Research Tools
Spoken languagesEnglish, Persian
Biography & Interests
Nader Ale Ebrahim has Technology Management PhD degree from the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He holds a Master of Science in the mechanical engineering from University of Tehran with distinguished honors, as well as more than 17 years experience in the establishing R&D department in different companies, project director and project coordinator and Knowledge based system implemented in R&D department. His current research interests are focused on managing virtual new product development teams in SMEs R&D centers. His papers/articles have presented in the several Journals and conferences.
Research Interests: Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams, Virtual Teams, Stage-Gate, Global Virtual Teams, Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development, R&D Management, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs), Industrial Engineering, New Product Development, Collaborative systems, Electronic-Collaboration, Collaboration Technology, Concurrent Engineering,

5.18 MBShares by Nader Ale Ebrahim

Nader's Quantitative Metrics and indexesH: 9G: 16N: 5C: 9

Nader's collections (17)

Nader's Links on the Web

- See more at: http://www.peerevaluation.org/profile/profileID:y3QrabnXjeY=#sthash.FlX8gttJ.dpuf

Nader Ale Ebrahim
Independent researcher
Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia

Engineering, Education, Management
Management, Technology Management, Research Tools
Spoken languages
English, Persian
Biography & Interests
Nader Ale Ebrahim has Technology Management PhD degree from the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He holds a Master of Science in the mechanical engineering from University of Tehran with distinguished honors, as well as more than 17 years experience in the establishing R&D department in different companies, project director and project coordinator and Knowledge based system implemented in R&D department. His current research interests are focused on managing virtual new product development teams in SMEs R&D centers. His papers/articles have presented in the several Journals and conferences.
Research Interests: Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams, Virtual Teams, Stage-Gate, Global Virtual Teams, Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development, R&D Management, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs), Industrial Engineering, New Product Development, Collaborative systems, Electronic-Collaboration, Collaboration Technology, Concurrent Engineering,
5.18 MBShares by Nader Ale Ebrahim
1 2
Nader's Quantitative Metrics and indexes H: 9 G: 16 N: 5 C: 9
Nader's collections (17)
Journals (17)

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Nader's Links on the Web

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Independent researcher

Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Areas(s)Engineering, Education, Management
Subject(s)Management, Technology Management, Research Tools
Spoken languagesEnglish, Persian
Biography & Interests
Nader Ale Ebrahim has Technology Management PhD degree from the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He holds a Master of Science in the mechanical engineering from University of Tehran with distinguished honors, as well as more than 17 years experience in the establishing R&D department in different companies, project director and project coordinator and Knowledge based system implemented in R&D department. His current research interests are focused on managing virtual new product development teams in SMEs R&D centers. His papers/articles have presented in the several Journals and conferences.
Research Interests: Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams, Virtual Teams, Stage-Gate, Global Virtual Teams, Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development, R&D Management, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs), Industrial Engineering, New Product Development, Collaborative systems, Electronic-Collaboration, Collaboration Technology, Concurrent Engineering,

5.18 MBShares by Nader Ale Ebrahim

Nader's Quantitative Metrics and indexesH: 9G: 16N: 5C: 9

Nader's collections (17)

Nader's Links on the Web

- See more at: http://www.peerevaluation.org/profile/profileID:y3QrabnXjeY=#sthash.FlX8gttJ.dpuf

Nader Ale Ebrahim

Independent researcher

Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Areas(s)Engineering, Education, Management
Subject(s)Management, Technology Management, Research Tools
Spoken languagesEnglish, Persian
Biography & Interests
Nader Ale Ebrahim has Technology Management PhD degree from the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He holds a Master of Science in the mechanical engineering from University of Tehran with distinguished honors, as well as more than 17 years experience in the establishing R&D department in different companies, project director and project coordinator and Knowledge based system implemented in R&D department. His current research interests are focused on managing virtual new product development teams in SMEs R&D centers. His papers/articles have presented in the several Journals and conferences.
Research Interests: Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams, Virtual Teams, Stage-Gate, Global Virtual Teams, Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development, R&D Management, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs), Industrial Engineering, New Product Development, Collaborative systems, Electronic-Collaboration, Collaboration Technology, Concurrent Engineering,

5.18 MBShares by Nader Ale Ebrahim

Nader's Quantitative Metrics and indexesH: 9G: 16N: 5C: 9

Nader's collections (17)

Nader's Links on the Web

- See more at: http://www.peerevaluation.org/profile/profileID:y3QrabnXjeY=#sthash.FlX8gttJ.dpuf
Peer Evaluation : Nader Ale Ebrahim

Nader Ale Ebrahim | LinkedIn


NaderAle Ebrahim

Technology Management Consultant, "Research Tools" Advisor and Self-employed Researcher
Selangor, Malaysia
  • Research Fellow at Research Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, IPPP, University of Malaya
  • Technology Management Consultant, "Research Tools" Advisor at Independent Researcher
  • PhD candidate at University of Malaya
  • Paper & Proceedings Committee at United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011)
  • Paper and Proceeding committee member at The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems (APIEMS 2010)
  • Universiti Malaya
  • Faculty of Engineering ,University of Tehran
  • Faculty of Engineering , University of Tehran
30 people have recommended Nader
500+ connections

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Summary

Nader Ale Ebrahim holds a PhD degree in Technology Management from the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He holds a Master of Science in the Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tehran with distinguished honors. He also has over 19 years of experience in the establishment of the R&D departments in different companies, heading projects as the project director and project coordinator and implementing knowledge based system in the R&D department. His current research interest focuses on E-skills, Research Tools, Bibliometrics and managing virtual NPD teams in SMEs’ R&D centers. His papers/articles have published and presented in the several journals and conferences.

Specialties: R&D management, New Product Development, Virtual Team management, Technology Management

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Experience

Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Education Management industry
2013Present(less than a year)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Establish and introduce the publication marketing “Research Tools”;
• Develop and promote online tutorials for “Research Tools”;
• Conduct workshop on “Research Tools” that will increase University Citation;
• Provide guidance and instruction on the use of “Research Tools”; and
• Promote the practice of depositing publications in repositories.

Technology Management Consultant, "Research Tools" Advisor

Independent Researcher

August 2012Present(1 year 1 month)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I have conducted a series of workshop on the application of “Research Tools” in almost all public universities in Malaysia. “Research Tools” reduce the search time by expanding the knowledge of researchers to more effectively use the "tools" that are available through the Net.
Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Education Management industry
January 2008August 2012(4 years 8 months)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Universiti Malaya, or UM, Malaysia's oldest university, is situated on a 750 acre (309 hectare) campus in the southwest of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

It was established in April 1949 in Singapore with the merger of the King Edward VII College of Medicine (founded in 1905) and Raffles College (founded in 1928).

Paper & Proceedings Committee

United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011)

November 2010July 2011(9 months)University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011) is open to malaysian postgraduate engineering students worldwide as well as foreign postgraduate students who are currently studying in Malaysia. UMIES 2011,which runs on 12th & 13th of July in University Malaya, aims to provide an excellent platform to Malaysian students to share and exchange research findings and ideas. The objectives of the conference are as follows:

To increase the involvement of Malaysian students in an internationally recognized conference.
To promote the value of knowledge sharing and networking among Malaysians as well as their international counterparts.
To strengthen the bond among the academic institutions of three countries in sharing new ideas and strengthen future research activities.

The conference will be divided into 7 themes in engineering sciences and related fields:

Chemical, Bio process & Food Engineering.
Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Mechanical, Aeronautical & Material engineering.
Manufacturing, Industrial & Design engineering.
Biomedical & Biomechanics Engineering.
Electronic & Electrical Engineering.
Computer Science & Information Technology.

Paper and Proceeding committee member

The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems (APIEMS 2010)

January 2010December 2010(1 year)Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM) Faculty of Engineering, Uni
The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems (APIEMS) Conference and the 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research hold on December 7-10, 2010 in Melaka, Malaysia. The Conference was hosted by Universiti Malaya (UM) in collaboration with the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). These conferences were also hold in conjunction with the 3rd AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference in Manufacturing Engineering (AUN/SEED-Net-RC ManuE 2010).


The R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines

March 2003March 2007(4 years 1 month)Tehran - Iran
I and some of my colleagues become founding father of The R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines (RDS) which has more than 1400 companies as members from different industrial sectors. RDS with its members is the holder of around 20% of Iran’s GDP.
Major duties of the RDS are as follows:

1. Identification of the research capabilities and capacities of the research and development units of the industrial centers and helping the members to benefit from their research potential abilities
2. Coordination among research & development units in order to compile executive approaches in order to choose suitable technology, compilation and definition of the executive principles needed for transfer of technology based on industrial requirements of the society, cooperation, and seeking for improved approaches needed for attraction and naturalization of the transferred technologies.

The society also aims at nurturing the R&D activities of its member companies by offering state-of-the-art training services by organizing industry-specific courses, industrial visits, and holding annual conferences and workshops.

Member of the scientific and organizing committees of the conferences held by the society.

Board Member

Institute of Knowledges and New Technologies Development (TDF)

20052006(1 year)
To be involved in several projects that can utilize my over 16 years experiences in the following fields:

1. Establishing R&D department in different companies.
2. Project director and project coordinator.
3. Knowledge based systems implementation in R&D department.
4. Experience in organizing and chairing conferences regarding R&D
5. Simultaneously successfully managed R&D projects driving engineering, planning, QA, and shipments to manufacturing.

Engineering Deputy

Iran Khodro Diesel Co.

January 2003August 2006(3 years 8 months)Tehran - Iran
IKD is the leader and a world class commercial vehicle manufacturer in the Middle East; under the license of Mercedes Benz Germany. The company's total annual turn-over reaches to $1.1bn.

I was in charge of coordinating and leading new projects in Iran Khodro Diesel. Here is a list of Some of the projects that I was involved when I worked at IKD:

• Project Coordinator of License Agreement Project between IKD and Daimler Chrysler for truck technology transfer which was led to produce knowledge based prototyping and mass production of new Daimler Chrysler’s products(Actros 3331, Actros 1844, Axor 2628, Axor 1935, Axor 3335)
• Project director of "Conversion of OM457 Diesel Engine to a CNG Engine" with cooperation of Spanish designer & developer company IDIADA.
• Production of new CNG buses
• Project manager of selection, sampling, testing and installation of bus air conditioner system.
• Directed projects relating to sampling and mass production of Chorus CNG minibus with converted Hyundai engine
• Directed projects relating to facility layout planning of truck production hall in order to increase quality and quantity of production
• Projects director of increase bus production capacity and commissioning of SC457 and Mega-trans bus production line
• Cooperated in the project for minimizing transportation, scraps as well as organization of company warehouses and containers.
• Directed projects relating to bus/truck manufacturing plant layout in Venezuela, Azerbaijan and Iraq
• Directed projects relating to increase of bus/truck paint production Capacity

Chairman and Engineering Deputy

TKC (Toseé Khodro Car)

February 2003July 2005(2 years 6 months)Tehran, Iran
The company affiliated to Iran Khodro Diesel (IKD) which is responsible for designing and prototyping of new product for IKD.

• Project Leader in “ New Truck Design and Production with IKD Brand” project (TKC as Engineering, Research, and Development company for IKD has launched this project with a British company MIRA ltd. as main contractor mutually to design and produce a new truck with IKD brand)

• IT project manager (License Agreement Project) for truck technology transfer from Mercedes Benz Company.

• Directed various projects in connection with design and manufacturing of new buses and trucks.
• Directed various projects in connection with increasing of emission standard level of diesel engines.
• Directed various projects in connection with changing the engines of buses, minibuses and trucks to gas-burning engines.

Vice Engineering Deputy responsible for R&D Department

MEGA Motor

July 2001January 2003(1 year 7 months)Tehran - Iran
One of Saipa Industries Group’s subsidiaries for vehicle’s Engine, Gearbox, and Axle manufacturing.

Be involved in different project as a project manager and co-operate responsible to manage the following items:
o Work Breakdown Structure
o Scheduling
o Budget and Cost planning
o Tracking and monitor the deviation, deliverable with regard to gateways and milestones
o Evaluating the Reports

• Manager of the project titled "Increasing the Power of Pride Automobile Engine by 10%"

• Manager of the project titled "Solving the Problem of Pride Sedan Piston Fracture"

• Executive of the project titled "Changing Nissan & Pride Engines to Bi-fuel Engines (CNG)"

• Co-operator of the project titled "Changing Nissan Engine to Injection-Burning Engine (M24IA)"

• Co-operator of the project titled "Optimization of Pride Sedan Gear Ratio"

• Co-operator of the project titled "Identification of Gearbox Sound/Vibration Problems using NVH Tools"

• Co-operator of the project for obtaining EURO II Emission Standard for Pride engine

• Co-operator of the project titled “Installation of Air-Conditioning System on Junior Nissan Pickup”

• Co-operator of the project titled “Installation of Catalyst Converter on Patrol Automobile and Injection-Burning Engines”

• Co-operator of the project titled “Design and Manufacturing of Caravan Sedan New axel”

• Co-operator of the project titled “Preparation of Zero Dimension Engine Simulator Software System”

• Co-operator of the project titled “Analysis of Flow in Input Manifold of Pride Sedan Engine”

• Manager of the project titled “Selection Power Train of New SPC5 Automobile”

Research and Development Division Director

Azmayesh Industries Group

January 2000July 2001(1 year 7 months)Azmayesh Fork Rd., Km 12 Mazandaran Rd., Tehran, 16599, Iran
Home Appliances Manufacturer.
Household Refrigerators And Freezers.
Manufacture, marketing and export of household appliances, including laundry equipment, vacuum cleaners, fridges and freezers, air-conditioning and heating equipment
Azmayesh has two production plants in Tehran and Shiraz

• Manager of the project titled “Reverse Design and Manufacturing of Gas Cooler for Bus (Sutruck model, 28000 Kcal)

• Preparation of the feasibility study for bus cooler manufacturing in Iran

• Implementation of Quality Management System

'Research and Development' and 'Engineering' Director


June 1998January 2000(1 year 8 months)Tabriz-Iran
Gearbox manufacture under license ZF Germany

In Charkheshgar Company, I established a research department and executed three successful projects which promote the company’s sales.

• Executive of the project titled “Reverse Engineering and Manufacturing of Steering Box for Pride Automobile”

• Manager of the project titled “Manufacturing and Equipment of Motor Powers Engineering Design/Research Center”

• Project team member of “Nissan Junior Gearbox Reverse Engineering”

• Implementation of Quality Management System complied with ISO 9000-2000 and renew the certification, include of :
o Document updating
o Non-complying detection and clearance
o Organizing internal audit.
o Quality management manual
o Quality plan
o Procedures
o Work instruction
o Forms and technical documents
o Organizing QMS leading committee and meetings
o Internal audit
o Non-complying detection and clearance
• Project team member in implementation of the Suggestions System

Research and Development Division Director

Iranpouya Co. (General Steel)

November 1996January 1998(1 year 3 months)Tehran-Iran
Home appliances and aluminum profile manufacturer.

• Team member of the project titled “Design and Manufacturing of Refrigerator with Interior Condenser“

• Design and prototyping of refrigerator with ice maker, freezer and refrigerator with panel evaporator

• Established a laboratory for testing refrigeration units according to ISO standards

• Optimized energy consumption in production processes

• Served as an executive and technical member of a team to replace the CFC coolant gas (Freon 12) of refrigeration systems by an ozone-friendly HFC gas

Head of Technology Department including Mechanics, Metallurgy and Prototyping Workshop

Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University (including Mechanics, Metallurgy and Sampling Workshop)

January 1993June 1997(4 years 6 months)Tehran-Iran
• Supervisor of the final part of the project titled “Machine Components Computer-Aided Design”

• Supervisor of the project titled “Design of Date Washing and Drying Cycle ”

• Design of Greenhouse Mechanics Division of Gorgan Agricultural Research Center

• Director of Mechanics Division and commissioning of cultivation rooms at Rafsanjan Agricultural Research Center

• Design and construction of fixed temperature rooms at Oroumieh Agricultural Research Center, director of Mechanics Division

• Manager of project titled “Thermal Recycling of Casting Sands Containing Resin Glues”

• Design and supervising the construction of Phytotron Mechanics Division at Maragheh Agricultural Research Center

• Commissioning of fully-automatic silk screen printing machine

• Design and manufacturing of laboratory instrument for determining the percentage of straw in grains

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Projects

  • Establishing of the R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines (RDS)

    • 2003 to 2007
    Team Members: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Hamid Tahbaz Tavakoli, Bijan Mohabbi
    I and some of my colleagues become founding father of The R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines (RDS) which has more than 1400 companies as members from different industrial sectors. RDS with its members is the holder of around 20% of Iran’s GDP.
    Major duties of the RDS are as follows:
    1. Identification of the research capabilities and capacities of the research and development units...more

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Languages

  • Persian

  • English

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Skills & Expertise

  1. Virtual Teams
  2. Research
  3. Engineering
  4. Team Building
  5. Operations Management
  6. Teaching
  7. Management Consulting
  8. Innovation Management
  9. Team Leadership
  10. Teamwork
  11. Team Management
  12. Cross-functional Team Leadership
  13. Multi-cultural Teams
  14. Industrial Engineering
  15. Virtual R&D Teams
  16. New Product Development
  17. Research Tools
  18. H-Index
  19. Technology Management
  20. Collaboration Tools

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Courses

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Industrial Engineering - Technology Management

    Universiti Malaya

    • Research Tools I & II
    • How to increase H-Index
    • Managing Research Candidature
    • Research Methodology
    • Bahasa Malaya
    • Resaerch Methodology
    • Sustainable Product Development
    • Life Cycle Assessment
    • Critical Mind Skills
    • English for Academic Correspondence
  • Head of Technology Department including Mechanics, Metallurgy and Prototyping Workshop

    Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University (including Mechanics, Metallurgy and Sampling Workshop)

    • Research & Development Management and Application of IT I
    • Fluids Mechanics
    • Heat Transfer
    • IT Course
  • Board Member

    Institute of Knowledges and New Technologies Development (TDF)

    • Application of IT in Research & Development I
  • 'Research and Development' and 'Engineering' Director


    • IT course; National Iranian Steel Company
    • IT in Research & Development
    • Quality Assurance System
  • Vice-Chairman

    The R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines

    • Conducted IT Strategy Seminar
    • Application of IT in Market Research
    • Research & Development Management and Application of IT therein
    • IT in Industry, Current Challenges, Future Outlooks
    • Application of IT in Marketing
    • Role of Information Technology in Industrial Development
  • Chairman and Engineering Deputy

    TKC (Toseé Khodro Car)

    • Application of IT in Research & Development I&II
  • Research and Development Division Director

    Iranpouya Co. (General Steel)

    • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Research and Development Division Director

    Azmayesh Industries Group

    • Research & Development Management and Application of IT
  • Engineering Deputy

    Iran Khodro Diesel Co.

    • Application of IT in Research & Development II
  • Independent Coursework

    • Preparing Competitive Project Proposals
    • Evaluating Competitive Project Proposals
    • Cement Manufacturing and Low Cost House Technology
    • Preparing a Competitive Project Proposal
    • Management workshops
    • Zero Quality Control
    • NGV Safety Training
    • Specialized Automobile Course
    • Minimization Methods of Air Pollution Caused by Diesel and Petrol Engines
    • Human Resources Optimization
    • R & D Management
    • Target Costing & Costing System Implementation Plan
    • Petrol Injection Engines
    • Comprehensive Computer Course for Directors
    • R & D Management
    • Study of Consequences of Iran Joining the World Business Organization (WTO)
    • Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
    • Safety in Automobile Manufacturing Industry

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Honors and Awards

  • Selected Researcher

    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Deputy Directorate for Research
    • December 2005
    10 December 2005: Given recognition as selected researcher (attained second position) at the 2005 Selected Researchers Commemoration Ceremony conducted by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Deputy Directorate for Research, State Scientific Research Center; IRIB, Int’l Conference Center, Tehran, Iran
  • Commendation Letter

    Deputy Director for Planning, Development & Technology
    • December 2002
    December 2002: Received commendation letter from the Acting Deputy Director for Planning, Development & Technology for making valuable achievements while serving with the Board of Directors of Specialized Association of Industries & Mines; Ministry of Industries & Mines, Tehran , Iran
  • IDRO Commendation Letter

    IDRO Chairman of the Managing Board for Sincere Services
    • March 2005
    March 2005: Received commendation letter from IDRO Chairman of the Managing Board for sincere services as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Toseé Khodro Car Company during the year 2004; Tehran , Iran
  • Exemplary R&D

    Fourth Research Fair
    • December 2002
    December 2002: Given recognition as the Exemplary R&D Unit at the Fourth Research Fair (being the director of the R&D Unit at Mega Motor Company); Tehran, Iran
  • MEGA Motor Commendation Letter

    Managing Director of Mega Motor Company
    • January 2002
    January 2002: Received commendation letter from the Managing Director of Mega Motor Company for sincere services as Research Deputy Director; Mega Motor Company, Tehran ,Iran
  • Master’s Top Student

    Mechanical Engineering ,Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran
    • 1995
    1995: Attained the first standing among the graduates of Master’s Degree curriculum in Mechanical Engineering ,Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
  • Bachelor’s Top Student

    Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran
    • 1992
    1992: Attained the first standing among the graduates of Bachelor’s Degree curriculum in Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
  • Agriculture Commendation Letter

    Ministry of Agriculture; Rafsanjan Pistachio Research Center
    • August 1993
    August 1993: Received commendation letter for commissioning of controlled temperature rooms at Rafsanjan Pistachio Research Center – Ministry of Agriculture; Rafsanjan Pistachio Research Center, Iran
  • Second prize of the EPD 2010 challenge

    Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
    • December 2010
    Engineering Postgraduate Day (EPD) 2010: 3 MinutePhD Competition.

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Publications

  • Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

    • Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659.
    • 2012
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Ahmed, Shamsuddin, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Taha, Zahari, Engr. Dr. Md. Abdul Wazed
    This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The study focused on the influence of virtual research and development (R&D) teams within Malaysian manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is better understanding of the application of collaborative technologies in business, to find...more
  • The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs

    • IEMS, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 109-114, June 2011
    • June 2011
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development (R&D) programs and employed virtual teams to create the greatest competitive advantage from limited labor are increasing. Global and localized virtual R&D teams are believed to have high potential for the growth of SMEs. Due to the fast-growing complexity of new products coupled with...more
  • Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team

    • African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 2247-2257, September 4, 2010
    • September 4, 2010
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered as an engine for economic growth all over the world and especially for developing countries. During the past decade, new product development (NPD) has increasingly been recognized as a critical factor in ensuring the continued survival of SMEs. On the other hand, the rapid rate of market and technological changes has accelerated in the past decade...more
  • Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs

    • African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 2368-2379, September 2010
    • September 4, 2010
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    This paper explores potential advantages of using virtual teams for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a comprehensive review on various aspects of virtual teams. Based on the standing of the pertinent literatures, attempt has been made to study the aspects by online survey method in Iran and Malaysia. In both countries, SMEs play an important role in their economies, employments, and...more
  • Work Together...When Apart Challenges and What is Need for Effective Virtual Teams

    • Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-3, October 2010
    • October 2010
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, R. R. Raval, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    Increasingly competitive global markets and accelerating technological changes have increased the need for people to contact via electronic medium to have daily updates, the people those who could not able to meet face to face every day. Those who contact via electronic medium i.e. Virtual Team, are having number of benefit but to achieve these potential benefits, however, leaders need to overcome...more
  • SMEs; Virtual Research and Development (R&D) Teams and New Product Development: A Literature Review

    • International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 916-930
    • July 2010
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Their continued growth is a major subject for the economy and employment of any country. Towards that end, virtual research and development (R&D) could be a viable option to sustain and ease the operations of SMEs. However, literature shows there has not been a great deal of research into the diverse...more
  • Virtual R&D Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review

    • Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 4, No. 13, pp. 1575–1590
    • December 2009
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the driving engine behind economic growth. While SMEs play a critical role in generating employment and supporting trade, they face numerous challenges, the prominent among them are the need to respond to fasting time-to-market, low-cost and rapid solutions to complex organizational problems. Towards that end, research and development (R & D) aspect...more
  • Virtual Teams for New Product Development: An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers

    • European Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 109-123
    • October 2009
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    New interaction tools such as internet allow companies to gain valuable input from research and development (R&D) engineers via virtual teams. Consequently, engineers also get more expertise in diminutive time frames. Virtual R&D teams present the key impetus to the technology acquisition process. The present knowledge-economy era is characterized by short product life-cycles. Virtual R&...more
  • Virtual Teams: A Literature Review

    • Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 2653-2669
    • 2009
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    In the competitive market, virtual teams represent a growing response to the need for fasting time-to-market, low-cost and rapid solutions to complex organizational problems. Virtual teams enable organizations to pool the talents and expertise of employees and non-employees by eliminating time and space barriers. Nowadays, companies are heavily investing in virtual team to enhance their...more
  • Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team

    • European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 297-307
    • 2009
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at the regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development, which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal,...more
  • Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process

    • African Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 211-219
    • December 2009
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha
    In today’s dynamic marketplace, manufacturing companies are under strong pressure to introduce new products for long-term survival with their competitors. Nevertheless, every company cannot cope up progressively or immediately with the market requirements due to knowledge dynamics being experienced in the competitive milieu. Increased competition and reduced product life cycles put force upon...more
  • Process Construct in the Virtual R&D Teams

    • Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2012
    • December 2, 2012
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Zahari Taha, Marjan Mohammadjafari
    literature proves the importance of the process role in the effectiveness of virtual research and development (R&D) teams for new product development (NPD). However, the factors that make process construct in a virtual R&D team are still unclear. The manager of virtual R&D teams for NPD does not know which items of process should be used. To address the gap and answer the...more
  • Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams

    • American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5, 9-14.
    • January 31, 2012
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Ahmed, Shamsuddin, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Taha, Zahari
    Problem statement: Although, literature proves the importance of the technology role in the effectiveness of virtual Research and Development (R&D) teams for new product development. However, the factors that make technology construct in a virtual R&D team are still ambiguous. The manager of virtual R&D teams for new product development does not know which type of technology...more
  • Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development

    • Scientific Research and Essay, 7, 1971-1985.
    • June 7, 2012
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Zahari Taha
    At present, the existing literature shows that the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams for new product development are still ambiguous. To address this problem, a research design was developed, which includes detailed literature review, preliminary model and field survey. From literature review, the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams are...more
  • Virtual Teams and Management Challenges

    • Academic Leadership Journal, 9, 1-7
    • 2011
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha

    Collaboration is becoming increasingly important in creating the knowledge that makes business more competitive. Virtual teams are growing in popularity [1] and many organizations have responded to their dynamic environments by introducing virtual teams. Additionally, the rapid development of new communication technologies such as the Internet has accelerated this trend so that...more
  • Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration

    • Academic Leadership Journal, 9, 1-5.
    • 2011
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Zahari Taha

    With the advent of the global economy and high-speed Internet, online collaboration is fast becoming the norm in education and industry [1]. Information technology (IT) creates many new inter-relationships among businesses, expands the scope of industries in which a company must compete to achieve the competitive advantage. Information systems and technology allow companies to...more
  • Process Construct in the Virtual R&D Teams

    • Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2012
    • December 2, 2012
    literature proves the importance of the process role in the effectiveness of virtual research and development (R&D) teams for new product development (NPD). However, the factors that make process construct in a virtual R&D team are still unclear. The manager of virtual R&D teams for NPD does not know which items of process should be used. To address the gap and answer the question, the...more
  • Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

    • Asian Social Science 9, 176-182.
    • April 27, 2013
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, masood fooladi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Maryam Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei chadegani, hadi farhadi
    Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages...more
  • A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases

    • Asian Social Science 9, 18-26.
    • April 27, 2013
    Authors: Nader Ale Ebrahim, Arezoo Aghaei chadegani, Hadi Salehi هادی صالحی, Melor Md Yunus, hadi farhadi, masood fooladi, Maryam Farhadi

    Nowadays, the world’s scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Besides searching the literature, these two databases used to rank...more
  • Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the h-index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?

    • Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4), 198-202.
    • March 2013

    h-index retrieved by citation indexes (Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science) is used to measure the scientific performance and the research impact studies based on the number of publications and citations of a scientist. It also is easily available and may be used for performance measures of scientists, and for recruitment decisions. The aim of this study is to investigate the...more

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Education

Universiti Malaya

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Industrial Engineering - Technology Management


Faculty of Engineering ,University of Tehran

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion)

Title of Master’s Degree thesis “Heat transfer taking into consideration the effects of distillation on tube transformers with flat blades”

Faculty of Engineering , University of Tehran

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering (Fluids & Heat Transfer)

Title of Bachelor’s Degree thesis “Automobile radiator and its role in cooling the automobile”

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Additional Information

Attributions for Performance in Virtual Teams, Collaboration Technology, Collaborative Systems, Conceptual Modelling, Concurrent Engineering, Engineering Product Design, Industrial Engineering, New Product Development, Operation Management, Operations Research, Product Design, R&D Management, Research Methodology, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises, Tacit Knowledge Transfer Within Virtual Teams, Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams, Virtual Teams
Groups and Associations:
Honors and Awards:
2010: Second prize of the EPD 2010 challenge 2005: Selected Researcher Award 1995: Master’s Degree Top Student Award 1992: Bachelor’s Degree Top Student Award

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Nader Ale Ebrahim - Publications List


Journal articles






Conference papers









Nader Ale Ebrahim - Publications List

IEEE Xplore - SMEs and virtual R&D teams: A motive channel for relationship between SMEs


SMEs and virtual R&D teams: A motive channel for relationship between SMEs

3 Author(s)
Ebrahim, N.A. ; Dept. of Eng. Design & Manuf., Univ. of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ; Ahmed, S. ; Taha, Z.
This paper explores potential advantages and barriers of virtual teams toward making an interrelation between small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) with a comprehensive review on different aspects of virtual teams in SMEs based on authentic and reputed publications. The purpose of the state-of-the-art literature review is to provide an overview of what is known about the structure and dynamics of virtual collaboration in SMEs which they are the back bone of the world business. This study seeks to address some of the advantages of virtual R&D team in the existing extensive literature on the increase SMEs interrelations. Besides of identify benefits of virtual R&D team in SMEs, propose the way of further studies and recommend improvements. We argue that the routines used to promote interrelation between SMEs, based on virtual collaboration can sometimes create problems for firms as they ignore new challenges. We elaborate various theories on the virtual R&D team by reviewing the precedent papers.
Published in:
Technical Postgraduates (TECHPOS), 2009 International Conference for
Date of Conference: 14-15 Dec. 2009

IEEE Xplore - SMEs and virtual R&D teams: A motive channel for relationship between SMEs

IEEE Xplore - Virtual R&D teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration


Virtual R&D teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration

4 Author(s)
Ebrahim, N.A. ; Dept. of Eng. Design & Manuf., Univ. of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ; Ahmed, S. ; Rashid, S.H.A. ; Taha, Z.
In this paper, we present our more than two years research experiences on virtual R&D teams in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and draws conclusions, giving special attention to the structure of virtual teams required to support education-industry collaboration. We report the relevant results of an online survey study. The online questionnaire was emailed by using a simple random sampling method to 947 manufacturing SMEs. The findings of this study show that SMEs in Malaysia and Iran are willing to use virtual teams for collaboration and the platform for industry-education collaboration is ready and distance between team members or differences in time zones, are not barriers to industry-education collaborations.
Published in:
Engineering Education (ICEED), 2010 2nd International Congress on
Date of Conference: 8-9 Dec. 2010

IEEE Xplore - Virtual R&D teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration

IEEE Xplore - SearchResult


EconPapers: Post-Print

2012: Reconsidérer la discrétisation des variables quantitatives: vers une nouvelle analyse de modération dans la recherche expérimentaleDownloads
Romain Cadario and Béatrice Parguel
2012: Déterminants et processus d'émergence des systèmes agroalimentaires localisés alternatifsDownloads
Marie Poisson and Séverine Saleilles
2012: A closed-form extension to the Black-Cox modelDownloads
Aurélien Alfonsi and Jérôme Lelong
2012: Particularités d'adoption des compteurs intelligents au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne: entre marchés de comptage libéralisé et règles à mettre en place pour un réel smart grid intégréDownloads
Claire Bergaentzlé
2012: Ecodéveloppement et souveraineté alimentaire: quels enjeux pour le Sud ?Downloads
Catherine Figuière and Renaud Metereau
2012: Optimizing a basket against the efficient market hypothesisDownloads
Frédéric Abergel and Mauro Politi
2012: On the imaginative constructivist nature of design: a theoretical approachDownloads
Akin Osman Kazakci
2012: Les particularités de la société en commandite par actions au regard des conflits d'agenceDownloads
Patrice CHARLIER and Jean-Baptiste Cartier
2012: Les stratégies de forum-shopping et de law-shopping en droit de la concurrence: Applications aux contentieux entre AMD et Intel (2000-2010)Downloads
Frédéric Marty
2012: De la notion de responsabilité particulière de l'opérateur dominant dans la politique de concurrence européenne: quelles conséquences sur les libertés économiques?Downloads
Frédéric Marty
2012: Process Construct in the Virtual R&D TeamsDownloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Zahari Taha and Mohammadjafari Marjan
Miruna Radu Lefebvre and Renaud Redien-Collot
2012: The Top-Down Innovative Coordination Flows in Sophia AntipolisDownloads
Olivier Hueber
2012: Non-fundamental Information and Market-makers' Behavior during the NASDAQ Preopening SessionDownloads
Laurence Lescourret
2012: Quelle intégration des pays en développement dans le régime climatique ? Le Mécanisme pour un Développement Propre en AsieDownloads
LACOUR Pauline and Jean-Christophe Simon
2012: Micro-prise de participation et entrepreneuriat social du point de vue du capital-risqueDownloads
Glòria Estapé-Dubreuil, Arvind Ashta and Jean-Pierre Hédou
2012: Le marketing relationnel international des distributeurs: cas des hypermarchés français au Moyen-OrientDownloads
Mahran Meskeh and Widiane Ferchakhi
2012: Construction d'un Service Web d'Aide à la Décision Geo-Marketing à partir d'Outils OpenSourceDownloads
Sylvain Willart and M. Calciu
2012: Aversions to trustDownloads
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Anne Corcos François Pannequin
2012: Concurrence et politique industrielle: analyse de logiques distinctesDownloads
Frédéric Marty
2012: Indicateurs de performance et gouvernementalité des ressources en eauDownloads
Yvan Renou
2012: The end of the taximeter? Or the end of the taxi?Downloads
Richard Darbéra
2012: Un outil de GTEC: la mise en place d'une charte de l'emploi saisonnier dans le secteur du végétal spécialiséDownloads
Stéphane Fauvy and Nicolas Arnaud
2012: Evaluation of classical spatial-analysis schemes of extreme rainfallDownloads
Davide Ceresetti, Eugen Ursu, Julie Carreau, Sandrine Anquetin, Jean-Dominique Creutin, Laurent Gardes, Stéphane Girard and Gilles Molinie
2012: The spending multiplier in a time of massive public debt: the euro area caseDownloads
Radu Vranceanu and Damien Besancenot
2012: Se taire, nier ou s'excuser: comment répondre à un appel au boycott ?Downloads
Sonia Capelli, Pascal Legrand and William Sabadie
2012: Le nouveau passage du Nord-OuestDownloads
Nicolas Bouleau
2012: Dynamique stratégique des frontières, chaînes Globales de Valeur et audit du développement durable organisationnelDownloads
Pierre Mathieu
2012: Relations UE-Russie: les enjeux d'une nouvelle architecture gazièreDownloads
Catherine Locatelli
2012: Comment améliorer la performance des pédagogies entrepreneuriales par la mise en actionDownloads
Olivier Toutain and Melchior Salgado
2012: Is urban logistics pooling viable? A multistakeholder multicriteria analysisDownloads
Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu and Josep-Maria Salanova Grau
2012: Entrepreneuriat et vision stratégique...: Descente au pays des " borgnes " et des " myopes " en compagnie de David GalulaDownloads
Thierry Levy-Tadjine
2012: L'insécurité alimentaire: dimensions, contextes et enjeuxDownloads
Pierre Janin and Charles-Edouard De Suremain
2012: Financial instability and functional finance: a Lerner-Minsky perspectiveDownloads
Faruk Ülgen
2012: Construction et Application d'un Modèle DSGE pour la RDC: Analyse Comparée des Estimations Bayésiennes et VARDownloads
Jean-Paul Kimbambu Tsasa Vangu
2012: Écologie industrielle: le secteur agroalimentaire comme point de départ pour une organisation écosystémique des activités humainesDownloads
Catherine Figuière and Renaud Metereau
2012: Organisations de l'économie sociale et solidaire: quelle théorie de la gouvernance ?Downloads
Jean-Baptiste Cartier, Philippe Naszalyi and Benoit Pigé
2012: THE BIPBOP PROGRAMME: Providing access to reliable, affordable and clean energy with a combined approach of investment, offers and trainingDownloads
Gilles Vermot Desroches and Thomas André
Samir Bellal
2012: Distributed Learning in Hierarchical NetworksDownloads
Hélène Le Cadre and Jean-Sébastien Bedo
2012: Managing grasslands biodiversity at a landscape level to foster ecosystem services in intensive cereal systems: from ecological knowledge to collective actionDownloads
Vincent Bretagnolle and Elsa Berthet
2012: European States and Financial Systems: A Biased RelationshipDownloads
Nathalie REY
2012: Les institutions des territoires face à la mondialisation. L'étude de cas du PLIE des GravesDownloads
Abdourahmane Ndiaye
2012: Handicap à la nouveauté et seniorsDownloads
Cecile Fonrouge and Fabienne Bornard
2012: Finances publiques et financements privés: Quel nouvel équilibre pour les investissements des Etats ?Downloads
Frédéric Marty and Arnaud Voisin
2012: China Apparel in Textiles World Values ChainsDownloads
Jean Ruffier
2012: L'innovation dans les services publicsDownloads
Faridah Djellal and Faïz Gallouj
2012: Décalage entre l'offre et la demande de formation. Coopération et rapport au savoirDownloads
Caroline Corvasce
2012: Les limites du capitalisme: penser la crise du néolibéralisme et les failles de la pensée économique avec Karl PolanyiDownloads
Jérôme Maucourant
2012: Le "marché de l'Aide Publique au Développement" et l'asymétrie d'information: quelles conséquences sur l'efficacité de l'aide ?Downloads
Théophile E. S. Bassene
2012: L'UEMOA: interrogation sur la pertinence économique en termes de zone monétaire optimale (ZMO)Downloads
Papa Gueye Fam
2012: Efficacité des politiques de sortie de crise dans la zone euro: l'exemple françaisDownloads
Priscilla Bony
2012: Groupe Pro NaturaDownloads
Erika Vanessa Becerra
2012: Walras et la notion de bien d'intérêt publicDownloads
Alain Beraud
2012: Les enjeux du développement et de la gestion du gaz naturel dans les villes tunisiennes: cas de l'agglomération de SfaxDownloads
Hugo Bolzon
2012: Analyse territoriale du devenir des allocataires du Revenu de Solidarité Active. Une illustration de la double incomplétude du dispositifDownloads
Élie Chosson
Pierre Mathieu and Dominique Geoffroy-Terryn
2012: Optimal short-sighted rulessDownloads
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde
2012: Amélioration de la stratégie commerciale de l'ONG ProydeDownloads
Ksenia Goncharova
2012: M & L Laboratoires: ordonnancement de l'atelier de conditionnementDownloads
Virginie Duret
2012: L'Union diaconale du Var (UDV)Downloads
Vincent Walter
2012: Quelle stratégie d'actions en matière de déplacements mettre en place dans un département confronté à de profondes mutations territoriales ? L'exemple du Schéma Départemental des Mobilités de Tarn-et-GaronneDownloads
Jérémy Amiot
2012: Cartel and Monopoly PolicyDownloads
Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas and Frédéric Marty
2012: Does Productivity Decline after Promotion? The Case of French AcademiaDownloads
Mareva Sabatier
2012: La GRH confrontée à la diversité HRM CONFRONTING DIVERSITYDownloads
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Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid and Zahari Taha

EconPapers: Post-Print

SSRN ORG: Contemporary Organizational Structures (Topic)

Incl. Electronic PaperVirtual Teams and Management Challenges
Academic Leadership Journal, 9(3), pp. 1-7, Summer 2011
Nader Ale Ebrahim , Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of MalayaResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya , University of Malaya (UM) and University of Malaya (UM)
Date Posted: April 19, 2012
Accepted Paper Series

SSRN ORG: Contemporary Organizational Structures (Topic)

The People Side of Virtualisation - Tags: STRATEGIC alliances (Business) -- Management VIRTUAL work teams -- Management


The People Side of Virtualisation

Scott, Albert H. S.
January 2013
Annual International Conference on Enterprise Marketing & Global;2013, p172
Conference Paper
Organisations have developed collaborative alliances with the enterprises they interact with in the virtual environment. This paper explores the impact and the possible impact on virtual team members engaged in a collaborative network. A literature review was conducted on virtualization in organizations to ascertain the degree of attention given to the impact on individual team members in collaborative networks.
Tags:STRATEGIC alliances (Business) -- Management;  VIRTUAL work teams -- Management;  PARTNERSHIP (Business);  BUSINESS development;  TEAMS in the workplace

The People Side of Virtualisation - Tags: STRATEGIC alliances (Business) -- Management VIRTUAL work teams -- Management

The people side of virtualisation - USQ ePrints


The people side of virtualisation

Scott, Albert H. S. (2013) The people side of virtualisation. In: 3rd Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (BizStrategy 2013), 22-23 Apr 2013, Singapore.
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Organisations have developed collaborative alliances with the enterprises they interact with in the virtual environment. This paper explores the impact and the possible impact on virtual team members engaged in a collaborative network. A literature review was conducted on virtualization in organizations to ascertain the degree of attention given to the impact on individual team members in collaborative networks.
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Commonwealth Reporting Category E) (Paper)
Additional Information:Copyright© GSTF 2013. Copyright of Annual International Conference on Enterprise Marketing & Globalization is the property of Global Science & Technology Forum and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.
Uncontrolled Keywords:virtuality; collaborative networks; virtual work teams; strategic alliances; partnerships
Depositing User:Dr Albert Scott
Date Deposited:06 Aug 2013 23:36
Last Modified:06 Aug 2013 23:36

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The people side of virtualisation - USQ ePrints

Does Criticism Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

Fooladi, Masood; Salehi, Hadi; Md Yunus, Melor; Farhadi, Maryam; Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo; Farhadi, Hadi; Ale Ebrahim, Nader
May 2013
Asian Social Science;May2013, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p176
Academic Journal
Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than othermeasures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers' behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Tags:JOURNAL productivity;  IMPACT factor (Citation analysis);  ARTICLES (Published materials);  PERIODICAL editors -- Attitudes;  CITATION indexes

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor? - Tags: JOURNAL productivity IMPACT factor (Citation analysis)

dblp: Hadi Farhadi


dblp: Hadi Farhadi

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

Table of content

Asian Social Science

ISSN/EISSN: 19112017 19112025
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Canadian Center of Science and Education
Country: Canada
Language: English
Start year 2008
Publication fee: Yes --- Further Information

Table of content: 2013 volume:9 issue:5

Challenges and Community Development: A Case Study of Homestay in Malaysia
Authors: Arif Kamisan Pusiran --- Honggen Xiao
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p1

A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases
Authors: Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani --- Hadi Salehi --- Melor Md Yunus --- Hadi Farhadi --- et al.
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p18

Communication Pattern and Conflict in Agricultural Extension
Authors: Z. Kartika Ekasari --- S. Ali M. Saleh --- Kamaruzaman Jusoff --- Darmawan Salman --- et al.
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p27

The Comparative Value Relevance of Donation and Advertising Expenditure Before and After the Global Financial Crisis in Korea
Authors: Gee Jung Kwon
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p34

Application of Indigenous Folk Wisdom Concerning the Management of Commercial Reed-Mat Production in Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand
Authors: Songkoon Chantachon
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p51

The Roles of Social Status, Age, Gender, Familiarity, and Situation in Being Polite for Bugis Society
Authors: Murni Mahmud
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p58

The Medieval Town of Kazakhstan
Authors: Saiden Zholdasbaev --- Moldir Aldabergenova
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p73

Verb Agreement Features in Standard Arabic (SA): A Minimalist Approach
Authors: Mostapha Thabit Mohamed
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p83

Urban Competitiveness and Public Housing
Authors: Sen Zhang
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p94

Modeling Internal Marketing and Employee Loyalty: A Quantitative Approach
Authors: Yu-Chuan Chen --- Shinyi Lin
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p99

Sufficient and Sustainable Livelihood via Community Economy: Case of Natural Farming Program in East Malaysia
Authors: Ahmad Raflis Che Omar --- Suraiya Ishak --- Jumaat Abd. Moen --- Megat Mohd Azlan Mohd Arshad
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p110

The Politics of Standard English: An Exploration of Thai Tertiary English Learners’ Perceptions of the Notion of Standard English
Authors: Naratip Jindapitak
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p118

Collective Bargaining System in the Game between Labor and Capital: Vacancy and Reconstruction
Authors: Qiuxia Tan
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p128

Malaysian Consumers Attitude towards Mobile Advertising, the Role of Permission and Its Impact on Purchase Intention: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Authors: Mohd Nazri Mohd Noor --- Jayashree Sreenivasan --- Hishamuddin Ismail
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p135

Is Tourism in Zimbabwe Developing with the Poor in Mind? Assessing the Pro-poor Involvement of Tourism Operators Located Near Rural Areas in Zimbabwe
Authors: Sarudzai Mutana --- Tsitsi Chipfuva --- Blessing Muchenje
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p154

Influence of Behavioral Factors on Mobile Phone Usage among Fishermen: The Case of Pangkor Island Fishermen
Authors: Siti Aisyah Bt Ramli --- Siti Zobidah Omar --- Jusang Bolong --- Jeffrey Lawrence DSilva --- et al.
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p162

Jihad: Warfare and Territorial Expansion in Islam
Authors: Etim E. Okon
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p171

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Authors: Masood Fooladi --- Hadi Salehi --- Melor Md Yunus --- Maryam Farhadi --- et al.
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176

Desirable Characteristics of Alternative Educators in Thai Social Reform
Authors: Poschanan Niramitchainont
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p183

The Role of Family in Bringing the Elderly’s Well-Being into Reality in Rural Areas of Central Java, Indonesia
Authors: Argyo Demartoto
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p191

A Documentary Analysis of the Government’s Circulars on Positive Behavior Enhancement Strategies
Authors: Mohd Mahzan Awang --- Divya Jindal-Snape --- Terry Barber
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p203

The Differences between Local and International Chain Hotels in CSR Management: Empirical Findings from a Case Study in Thailand
Authors: Siyathorn Khunon --- Kaewta Muangasame
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p209

A Comparison of Economic Performance of Emerging and Established Fishing Enterprises at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
Authors: Kefasi Nyikahadzoi --- Loveness Nyikahadzoi
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p226

Sustaining Vocabulary Acquisition through Computer Game: A Case Study
Authors: Nadzrah Abu Bakar --- Elaheh Nosratirad
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p235

The Vital Factors for Small and Medium Sized Sport Enterprises Start-ups
Authors: Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh --- Brenda Pitts --- Mohammad Ehsani --- Asadollah Kordnaeij
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p243

Determinants of National Savings in Pakistan: an Exploratory Study
Authors: Sidrat Jilani --- Salman Ahmed Sheikh --- Farooq-E-Azam Cheema --- Ahsan-ul-Haq Shaik
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p254

An Exploration of Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Attachment among a Cross Section of Malaysian Consumers
Authors: Andrew Lee Hock Cheong
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p263

The Determinants of Life Insurance Demand: A Focus on Saving Motives and Financial Literacy
Authors: Nurul Shahnaz Mahdzan --- Sarah Margaret Peter Victorian
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p274

Indigenous Weather Forecasting Systems: A Case Study of the Abiotic Weather Forecasting Indicators for Wards 12 and 13 in Mberengwa District Zimbabwe
Authors: Kampion Shoko --- Nothabo Shoko
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p285

Leadership Development through Workplace Learning in Malaysian Organizations
Authors: Nor Wahiza Abdul Wahat --- Steven Eric Krauss --- Jamilah Othman
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p298

The Concept of Research University: The Implementation in the Context of Malaysian University System
Authors: Nasiibah Ramli --- Zinatul A. Zainol --- Junaidi Abdul Aziz --- Hasani Mohd. Ali --- et al.
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p307
Table of content: 2013 volume:9 issue:5

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia...
Paper Title:

Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

PeriodicalAdvanced Materials Research (Volumes 433 - 440)
Main ThemeMaterials Science and Information Technology
Edited byCaiSuo Zhang
CitationNader Ale Ebrahim et al., 2012, Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653
Online sinceJanuary, 2012
AuthorsNader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, M A Wazed, Zahari Taha
KeywordsCollaborative Tools, Medium Enterprises, Questionnaires, Small Enterprises, Virtual Teams
PriceUS$ 28,-
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This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The study focused on the influence of virtual research and development (R&D) teams within Malaysian manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is better understanding of the application of collaborative technologies in business, to find the effective factors to assist SMEs to remain competitive in the future. The paper stresses to find an answer for a question “Is there any relationship between company size, Internet connection facility and virtuality?”. The survey data shows SMEs are now technologically capable of performing the virtual collaborative team, but the infrastructure usage is less. SMEs now have the necessary technology to begin the implementation process of collaboration tools to reduce research and development (R&D) time, costs and increase productivity. So, the manager of R&D should take the potentials of virtual teams into account.

Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

HAL-SHS :: [hal-00690028, version 1] Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration

HAL : hal-00690028, version 1

Fiche détaillée Récupérer au format
Academic Leadership Journal9, 4 (2011) 1-5
Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration
Nader Ale Ebrahim 1, Shamsuddin Ahmed 1, Zahari Taha 2

Introduction: With the advent of the global economy and high-speed Internet, online collaboration is fast becoming the norm in education and industry [1]. Information technology (IT) creates many new inter-relationships among businesses, expands the scope of industries in which a company must compete to achieve the competitive advantage. Information systems and technology allow companies to coordinate their activities in distant geographic locations [2]. IT is providing the infrastructure necessary to support the development of new collaboration forms among industry and education. Virtual research and development (R&D) teams represent one such relational form, one that could revolutionize the workplace and provide organizations with unprecedented levels of flexibility and responsiveness [3-4].
1 : University of Malaya (UM)
Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
2 : Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering and Management Technology, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management

Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Education
Virtual R&D teams – Collaboration – virtual teams – SMEs – Education
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HAL-SHS :: [hal-00690028, version 1] Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration

Does it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers? - E-LIS repository


Does it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers?

Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, Nader Does it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers? Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2013, vol. 7, n. 4, pp. 198-202. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
198-202.pdf - Published Version

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English abstract

h-index retrieved by citation indexes (Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science) is used to measure the scientific performance and the research impact studies based on the number of publications and citations of a scientist. It also is easily available and may be used for performance measures of scientists, and for recruitment decisions. The aim of this study is to investigate the difference between the outputs and results from these three citation databases namely Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science based upon the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers (Nobel Prize winner scientist). The purposive sampling method was adopted to collect the required data. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the h-index between three citation indexes of Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science; the Google scholar h-index was more than the h-index in two other databases. It was also concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between h-indices based on Google scholar and Scopus. The citation indexes of Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science may be useful for evaluating h-index of scientists but they have some limitations as well.
Item type: Journal Article (Print/Paginated)
Keywords:h-index, Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Nobel Prize, Physics, Chemistry, Economic Sciences.
Subjects:B. Information use and sociology of information. > BA. Use and impact of information.
B. Information use and sociology of information. > BB. Bibliometric methods.
E. Publishing and legal issues.
I. Information treatment for information services > IC. Index languages, processes and schemes.
Depositing user:Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
Date deposited:04 Jun 2013 13:18
Last modified:04 Jun 2013 13:18


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Does it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers? - E-LIS repository

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Publishing Workshop: How to Survive the Review Process | The 2009 Compass Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference


Publishing Workshop: How to Survive the Review Process

29102009 By Greg Maney, Associate Professor of Sociology, Hofstra University
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