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H. Farhadi, H. Salehi, M. M. Yunus, A. Aghaei Chadegani, M. Farhadi, M. Fooladi, and N. Ale Ebrahim, “Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the h-index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?,” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 198-202, March, 2013.

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TitleDoes it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers?
Author or CreatorFarhadi, Hadi
Author or CreatorSalehi, Hadi
Author or CreatorYunus, Melor Md
Author or CreatorAghaei Chadegani, Arezoo
Author or CreatorFarhadi, Maryam
Author or CreatorFooladi, Masood
Author or CreatorAle Ebrahim, Nader
Subject and KeywordsBA. Use and impact of information.
Subject and KeywordsBB. Bibliometric methods.
Subject and KeywordsE. Publishing and legal issues.
Subject and KeywordsIC. Index languages, processes and schemes.
Descriptionh-index retrieved by citation indexes (Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science) is used to measure the scientific performance and the research impact studies based on the number of publications and citations of a scientist. It also is easily available and may be used for performance measures of scientists, and for recruitment decisions. The aim of this study is to investigate the difference between the outputs and results from these three citation databases namely Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science based upon the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers (Nobel Prize winner scientist). The purposive sampling method was adopted to collect the required data. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the h-index between three citation indexes of Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science; the Google scholar h-index was more than the h-index in two other databases. It was also concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between h-indices based on Google scholar and Scopus. The citation indexes of Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science may be useful for evaluating h-index of scientists but they have some limitations as well.
PublisherAENSI Publications
Resource TypeJournal Article (Print/Paginated)
Resource TypePeerReviewed
Resource Identifierhttp://eprints.rclis.org/19367/1/198-202.pdf
Resource Identifier Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, Nader Does it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers? Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2013, vol. 7, n. 4, pp. 198-202. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]

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López, Fernando-ArielAcceso abierto en las Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y Caribe: el caso CLACSO., 2013 . In II Congreso Internacional de Cultura Libre, Quito (Ecuador), 30-31 de Mayo. (Unpublished) [Presentation]
López, Fernando-ArielDifusión de las Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y El Caribe en Acceso Abierto: el caso CLACSO., 2013 . In 58th Annual SALALM Conference, Miami (Estados Unidos), 17-22 de Mayo. (Unpublished) [Presentation]
Rodríguez-Yunta, LuisPensando en digital: uso del doi en revistas españolas, una asignatura aún pendiente.Anuario ThinkEPI, 2013, vol. 7, pp. 164-168. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Rodríguez-Yunta, LuisHumanidades digitales, ¿una mera etiqueta o un campo por el que deben apostar las ciencias de la documentación?Anuario ThinkEPI, 2013, vol. 7, pp. 37-43. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, NaderDoes it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers?Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2013, vol. 7, n. 4, pp. 198-202. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
Utulu, Samuel C. Avemaria and Akadri, Adebayo AliuInstitutional Repositories: The Untapped Academic Goldmine., 2010 . In Second Professional Summit on Information Science and Technology, Nsukka (Nigeria), 3-7 May 2010. [Conference Paper]
Shaw, Amit Kumar, AmitCloud Computing for Libraries:An Economic Strategy., 2013 . In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACADEMIC LIBRARIES, India, 12th - 15th Feburary. [Conference Paper]

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1.Fooladi, Masood and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Farhadi, Maryam and Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Farhadi, Hadi and Ale Ebrahim, NaderDoes criticisms overcome the praises of journal impact factor?Asian Social Science , 2013, vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 176-182. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
2.Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, NaderDoes it matter which citation tool is used to compare the h-index of a group of highly cited researchers?Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2013, vol. 7, n. 4, pp. 198-202. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
3.Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Farhadi, Hadi and Fooladi, Masood and Farhadi, Maryam and Ale Ebrahim, NaderA comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases.Asian Social Science , 2013, vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 18-26. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]
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Item matches "Nader Ale Ebrahim" - E-LIS repository

Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process - Repository of the Academy's Library


Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process. African Journal of Marketing Management, 1 (9). pp. 211-219. ISSN 1993-8233
Nader Modified stage-gate in AJMM.pdf

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In today’s dynamic marketplace, manufacturing companies are under strong pressure to introduce new products for long-term survival with their competitors. Nevertheless, every company cannot cope up progressively or immediately with the market requirements due to knowledge dynamics being experienced in the competitive milieu. Increased competition and reduced product life cycles put force upon companies to develop new products faster. In response to these pressing needs, there should be some new approach compatible in flexible circumstances. This paper presents a solution based on the popular Stage-Gate system, which is closely linked with virtual team approach. Virtual teams can provide a platform to advance the knowledge-base in a company and thus to reduce time-to-market. This article introduces conceptual product development architecture under a virtual team umbrella. The paper describes all the major aspects of new product development (NPD), NPD process and its relationship with virtual teams, Stage-Gate system finally presents a modified Stage-Gate system to cope up with the changing needs. It also provides the guidelines for the successful implementation of virtual teams in new product development.
Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Modified stage-gate system, virtual product development, conceptual model
Subjects:A General Works / általános művek > AC Collections. Series. Collected works / gyűjteményes munkák, sorozatok
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
L Education / oktatás > L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában
Q Science / természettudomány > Q1 Science (General) / természettudomány általában
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > T2 Technology (General) / műszaki tudományok általában
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TS Manufactures / különféle iparágak, ipari termékek
Depositing User:Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
Date Deposited:30 May 2013 11:23
Last Modified:30 May 2013 11:23

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Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process - Repository of the Academy's Library

A conceptual model of virtual product development process


A conceptual model of virtual product development process

Alternative title: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process

In today’s dynamic marketplace, companies are under strong pressure to introduce new products for long-term survival with their competitors. Besides, every company cannot cope up progressively or immediately with the market requirements due to knowledge ... [more]
Person: ; ;
Institution: Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Series: MPRA PaperMPRA Paper
Subject: Modified Stage-Gate System; Virtual Product Development; Conceptual Model
Classification: jel-M12; jel-O32; jel-L17; jel-L1; jel-L2; jel-M11; jel-M1; jel-O3; jel-P4; jel-L15
Type of publication: Buch / Working Paper
Title record from database: RePEc - Research Papers in Economics

A conceptual model of virtual product development process

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Book / Working Paper

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Institution: Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
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EconBiz Search Results:  creator:"Ale Ebrahim, Nader"

Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams by Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Zahari Taha :: SSRN


Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams

Nader Ale Ebrahim

University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering

Shamsuddin Ahmed

University of Malaya (UM)

Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid

University of Malaya (UM) - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture

Zahari Taha

University Malaysia Pahang - Department of Manufacturing Engineering

February 4, 2012

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 9-14, 2012

Problem statement: Although, literature proves the importance of the technology role in the effectiveness of virtual Research and Development (R&D) teams for new product development. However, the factors that make technology construct in a virtual R&D team are still ambiguous. The manager of virtual R&D teams for new product development does not know which type of technology should be used. Approach: To address the gap and answer the question, the study presents a set of factors that make a technology construct. The proposed construct modified by finding of the field survey (N = 240). We empirically examine the relationship between construct and its factors by employing the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). A measurement model built base on the 19 preliminary factors that extracted from literature review. The result shows 10 factors out of 19 factors maintaining to make technology construct. Results: These 10 technology factors can be grouped into two constructs namely Web base communication and Web base data sharing. The findings can help new product development managers of enterprises to concentrate in the main factors for leading an effective virtual R&D team. In addition, it provides a guideline for software developers as well. Conclusion: The second and third generation technologies are now more suitable for developing new products through virtual R&D teams.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 6
Keywords: Collaboration teams, questionnaires performance, cross-functional teams, product development, structural equation modeling, measurement model, literature review
JEL Classification: L1,L11,L7, M11, M12, M1, M54, Q1, O1, O32, P42, P29, L17, Q31, Q32

Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams by Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Zahari Taha :: SSRN

[1305.0377] A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases



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Computer Science > Digital Libraries

A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases

Nowadays, the worlds scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Besides searching the literature, these two databases used to rank journals in terms of their productivity and the total citations received to indicate the journals impact, prestige or influence. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive comparison of these databases to answer frequent questions which researchers ask, such as: How Web of Science and Scopus are different? In which aspects these two databases are similar? Or, if the researchers are forced to choose one of them, which one should they prefer? For answering these questions, these two databases will be compared based on their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures
Subjects: Digital Libraries (cs.DL); Computers and Society (cs.CY)
MSC classes: K.3.2
Journal reference: Asian Social Science vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 18-26, April 27, 2013
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n5p18
Cite as: arXiv:1305.0377 [cs.DL]
(or arXiv:1305.0377v1 [cs.DL] for this version)

Submission history

From: Nader Ale Ebrahim [view email]
[v1] Thu, 2 May 2013 09:21:26 GMT (321kb)

[1305.0377] A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases

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All Tags: Air conditioning,   Business development,   Chemistry,   citation tracking,   citations,   Collaboration (7),   collaboration,   Collaboration teams,   Collaborative tools (2),   communication,   component commonality,   conceptual model (2),   Conceptual model (2),   Conceptual Model,   Concurrent Collaboration (2),   Condensation,   coverage,   Criticism,   Cross-Functional teams (2),   cross-functional teams (2),   database,   developing countries.,   Development,   Direct expansion plate finned tube coils,   Disabled Citizen,   E Government,   e-learning,   Economic Sciences.,   Education,   Effective virtual team,   Electric coils,   Entrepreneurship,   ERP,   Factor Analysis,   factor analysis,   Finite difference method,   Fins (heat exchange),   Google Scholar,   h-index (2),   Heat analysis,   Heat transfer,   ICT application (2),   Idea creation,   impact factor,   Impact factor (IF),   indexing,   information,   Innovation (2),   integration,   Journal ranking,   Literature review (2),   literature review (2),   Literature Review (2),   Management Challenge (2),   Mass transfer,   Mathematical models,   MATHEMATICAL models,   measurement model,   Measurement model.,   Modified stage-gate system (2),   Modified Stage-Gate System,   Network,   New Product Development (4),   new product development (2),   New product Development,   New product development (2),   Nobel Prize,   NPD,   Performance,   performance (2),   Physics,   Praise,   Product development (2),   product development,   product development.,   Production And Performance Of Heavy Duty CNG,   provenance,   Questionnaires (4),   questionnaires (2),   R&D (3),   R&D Engineers (2),   R&D.,   Research and Development (2),   Research and development, Learning,   Research and Developments,   researcher ID,   researcher profile,   Review paper,   Reynolds number,   Scopus,   SCOPUS,   scopus,   searching,   Self-citation,   small and medium enterprises (3),   Small and Medium Enterprises,   Small and medium enterprises (3),   Small and medium Enterprises,   Small and medium Enterprises.,   Small and Medium Enterprises.,   Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),   SMEs (3),   Structural equation modeling (2),   structural equation modeling,   success,   Survey,   survey,   Survey Finding (2),   Survey finding (3),   Survey findings,   Team,   Technology,   Technology management,   Technology Transfer,   Temperature distribution,   Value creation,   Virtual Experience (2),   Virtual Product,   virtual product development (2),   Virtual R&D team (3),   Virtual R&D team; Innovation,   Virtual R&D Teams (2),   Virtual R&D teams (3),   Virtual team (4),   Virtual Team (6),   virtual team.,   Virtual teams (11),   virtual teams (2),   Virtual Teams,   Virtual teams. (2),   Virtual Workplaces,   Web of Science,   Web of science,   web of science,   Workplace


S Ahmed (37),   A Chadegani (3),   C Chow,   B Czejdo,   A Ebrahim (2),   N Ebrahim (45),   C Egbu,   I Esat,   H Farhadi (3),   M Farhadi (3),   M Fooladi (3),   S Galea,   T Hoon,   F Ibrahim,   R Li-Hua,   L Lu,   S Mekhilef,   A Momeni,   Y Nukman,   S Rashid (8),   M Raval,   M Rostamnezhad,   H Salehi (3),   U of Salford,   C School,   M Shafia (3),   B Shirazi,   H Shokouhmand,   N Taha (3),   Z Taha (36),   H Tavakoli,   B Trousse,   M Wazed (2),   N Wazed,   M Yunus (3),   Z Zhao

Nader Ale Ebrahim - Publications List

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A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases - Munich Personal RePEc Archive


A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases

Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Salehi, Hadi and Md Yunus, Melor and Farhadi, Hadi and Fooladi, Masood and Farhadi, Maryam and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2013): A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases. Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 9, No. 5 (27. April 2013): pp. 18-26.

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Nowadays, the world’s scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Besides searching the literature, these two databases used to rank journals in terms of their productivity and the total citations received to indicate the journals impact, prestige or influence. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive comparison of these databases to answer frequent questions which researchers ask, such as: How Web of Science and Scopus are different? In which aspects these two databases are similar? Or, if the researchers are forced to choose one of them, which one should they prefer? For answering these questions, these two databases will be compared based on their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

All papers reproduced by permission. Reproduction and distribution subject to the approval of the copyright owners.

A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases - Munich Personal RePEc Archive

A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases - E-LIS repository


A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases

Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Salehi, Hadi and Yunus, Melor Md and Farhadi, Hadi and Fooladi, Masood and Farhadi, Maryam and Ale Ebrahim, Nader A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases. Asian Social Science , 2013, vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 18-26. [Journal Article (Print/Paginated)]

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English abstract

Nowadays, the world’s scientific community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in different scientific fields. In such environment, it is essential to know which databases are equally efficient and objective for literature searches. It seems that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Besides searching the literature, these two databases used to rank journals in terms of their productivity and the total citations received to indicate the journals impact, prestige or influence. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive comparison of these databases to answer frequent questions which researchers ask, such as: How Web of Science and Scopus are different? In which aspects these two databases are similar? Or, if the researchers are forced to choose one of them, which one should they prefer? For answering these questions, these two databases will be compared based on their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
Item type: Journal Article (Print/Paginated)
Keywords:Web of Science, Scopus, Database, Citations, Provenance, Coverage, Searching, Citation tracking, Impact factor, Indexing, H-index, Researcher profile, Researcher ID
Subjects:B. Information use and sociology of information.
C. Users, literacy and reading.
E. Publishing and legal issues.
K. Housing technologies.
L. Information technology and library technology.
Depositing user:Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
Date deposited:14 May 2013 20:26
Last modified:14 May 2013 20:26


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A comparison between two main academic literature collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases - E-LIS repository

SSRN Author Page for Salehi, Hadi


A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases| Show Abstract | Download |
Asian Social Science, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 18-26, April 27, 2013
Accepted Paper Series
Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Salehi, Hadi
Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
Yunus, Melor Md
National University of Malaysia - Faculty of Education
Farhadi, Hadi
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Research Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (EKONIS-UKM)
Fooladi, Masood
Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch
Farhadi, Maryam
National University of Malaysia - UKM
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering
29 Apr 13
Last Revised:
09 May 13

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?| Show Abstract | Download |
Asian Social Science, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 176-182, April 2013.
Accepted Paper Series
Fooladi, Masood
Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch
Salehi, Hadi
Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
Yunus, Melor Md
National University of Malaysia - Faculty of Education
Farhadi, Maryam
National University of Malaysia - UKM
Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Farhadi, Hadi
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Research Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (EKONIS-UKM)
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering
28 Apr 13
Last Revised:
09 May 13

Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the H-Index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?| Show Abstract | Download |
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 198-202, March 2013
Accepted Paper Series
Farhadi, Hadi
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Research Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (EKONIS-UKM)
Salehi, Hadi
Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
Yunus, Melor Md
National University of Malaysia - Faculty of Education
Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Farhadi, Maryam
National University of Malaysia - UKM
Fooladi, Masood
Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering

SSRN Author Page for Salehi, Hadi

Peer Evaluation : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

 Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
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Title : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Author(s) : Nader Ale Ebrahim
Abstract : Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers’ behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Keywords : Impact factor (IF), Journal ranking, Criticism, Praise, SCOPUS, Web of science, Self-citation

Subject : Education
Area : Education
Language : English
Year : 2013

AffiliationsResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Journal : Asian Social Science
Volume : 9
Issue : 5
Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Education
Pages : 176-182
Isbn : 1911-2025
Doi : 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176
Attribution Share Alike
- See more at: http://peerev.org/read/libraryID:29784?data%5BReview%5D%5Baffiliation_id%5D=0#sthash.y7fcHcqt.dpuf

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

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Title : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Author(s) : Nader Ale Ebrahim
Abstract : Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers’ behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Keywords : Impact factor (IF), Journal ranking, Criticism, Praise, SCOPUS, Web of science, Self-citation

Subject : Education
Area : Education
Language : English
Year : 2013

AffiliationsResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Journal : Asian Social Science
Volume : 9
Issue : 5
Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Education
Pages : 176-182
Isbn : 1911-2025
Doi : 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176
Attribution Share Alike
- See more at: http://peerev.org/read/libraryID:29784?data%5BReview%5D%5Baffiliation_id%5D=0#sthash.y7fcHcqt.dpuf

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

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Title : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Author(s) : Nader Ale Ebrahim
Abstract : Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers’ behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Keywords : Impact factor (IF), Journal ranking, Criticism, Praise, SCOPUS, Web of science, Self-citation

Subject : Education
Area : Education
Language : English
Year : 2013

AffiliationsResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Journal : Asian Social Science
Volume : 9
Issue : 5
Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Education
Pages : 176-182
Isbn : 1911-2025
Doi : 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176
Attribution Share Alike

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- See more at: http://peerev.org/read/libraryID:29784?data%5BReview%5D%5Baffiliation_id%5D=0#sthash.y7fcHcqt.dpuf

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

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Title : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Author(s) : Nader Ale Ebrahim
Abstract : Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers’ behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Keywords : Impact factor (IF), Journal ranking, Criticism, Praise, SCOPUS, Web of science, Self-citation

Subject : Education
Area : Education
Language : English
Year : 2013

AffiliationsResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Journal : Asian Social Science
Volume : 9
Issue : 5
Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Education
Pages : 176-182
Isbn : 1911-2025
Doi : 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176
Attribution Share Alike
- See more at: http://peerev.org/read/libraryID:29784?data%5BReview%5D%5Baffiliation_id%5D=0#sthash.y7fcHcqt.dpuf

Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

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Title : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Author(s) : Nader Ale Ebrahim
Abstract : Journal impact factor (IF) as a gauge of influence and impact of a particular journal comparing with other journals in the same area of research, reports the mean number of citations to the published articles in particular journal. Although, IF attracts more attention and being used more frequently than other measures, it has been subjected to criticisms, which overcome the advantages of IF. Critically, extensive use of IF may result in destroying editorial and researchers’ behaviour, which could compromise the quality of scientific articles. Therefore, it is the time of the timeliness and importance of a new invention of journal ranking techniques beyond the journal impact factor.
Keywords : Impact factor (IF), Journal ranking, Criticism, Praise, SCOPUS, Web of science, Self-citation

Subject : Education
Area : Education
Language : English
Year : 2013

AffiliationsResearch Support Unit, Centre of Research Services, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Journal : Asian Social Science
Volume : 9
Issue : 5
Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Education
Pages : 176-182
Isbn : 1911-2025
Doi : 10.5539/ass.v9n5p176
Attribution Share Alike
- See more at: http://peerev.org/read/libraryID:29784?data%5BReview%5D%5Baffiliation_id%5D=0#sthash.y7fcHcqt.dpuf
Peer Evaluation : Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?

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SSRN Political Economy - Development: Public Service Delivery eJournal


Incl. Electronic PaperDoes it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the H-Index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 198-202, March 2013
Hadi Farhadi , Hadi Salehi , Melor Md Yunus , Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani , Maryam Farhadi , Masood Fooladi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Research Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (EKONIS-UKM) , Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch , National University of Malaysia - Faculty of Education , Islamic Azad University , National University of Malaysia - UKM , Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch and University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering
Date Posted: June 06, 2013
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SSRN Political Economy - Development: Public Service Delivery eJournal
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