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Nader Ale Ebrahim | JournalFire

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  • is following 7 new articles in Virtual R&D Teams:To Discuss
    The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2011) Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.
    Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Ebrahim Nader Ale (2012) AMR.
    Effective virtual teams for new product development. Nader Ale Ebrahim (2012) Sci. Res. Essays.
    The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2011) Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.
    Models for Component Commonality in Multistage Production. Wazed M. A. (2011) AMM.
    Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2012) .
    SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review . Ale Ebrahim,Nader (2010) International Journal of the Physical Sciences.
    August 7, 2012
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  • Ale Ebrahim, N., Abdul Rashid, S. H., Ahmed, S., & Taha, Z. (2011). The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10(2), 109-114.
    The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development (R&D) programs and employed virtual teams to create the greatest competitive advantage from limited labor are increasing. Global and localized virtual R&D teams are believed to have high potential for the growth of SMEs. Due to the fast-growing complexity of new products coupled with new emerging opportunities of virtual teams, a collaborative approach is believed to be the future trend. This research ex ... read more
    The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2011) Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.
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  • is following 6 new articles in My Publications
    Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Ebrahim Nader Ale (2012) AMR.
    Effective virtual teams for new product development. Nader Ale Ebrahim (2012) Sci. Res. Essays.
    The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2011) Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.
    Models for Component Commonality in Multistage Production. Wazed M. A. (2011) AMM.
    Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2012) .
    SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review . Ale Ebrahim,Nader (2010) International Journal of the Physical Sciences.
    July 29, 2012
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  • Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., Abdul Rashid, S. H., & Taha, Z. (2012). Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. [Full Length Research Paper]. Scientific Research and Essay, 7(21), 1971-1985.
    At present, the existing literature shows that the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams for new product development are still ambiguous. To address this problem, a research design was developed, which includes detailed literature review, preliminary model and field survey. From literature review, the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams are identified and these factors are modified using a field survey. The relationship between knowledge workers (people), process and technology in virtua ... read more
    Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2012) .
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  • Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., & Taha, Z. (2010). SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review [Review]. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5(7), 916–930.
    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Their continued growth is a major subject for the economy and employment of any country. Towards that end, virtual research and development (R&D) could be a viable option to sustain and ease the operations of SMEs. However, literature shows there has not been a great deal of research into the diverse characteristic of virtual R&D teams in SMEs. This article provides a comprehensive literature review on diff ... read more
    SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review . Ale Ebrahim,Nader (2010) International Journal of the Physical Sciences.
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  • Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., Abdul Rashid, S. H., & Taha, Z. (2012). Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. [Full Length Research Paper]. Scientific Research and Essay, 7(21), 1971-1985.
    At present, the existing literature shows that the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams for new product development are still ambiguous. To address this problem, a research design was developed, which includes detailed literature review, preliminary model and field survey. From literature review, the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams are identified and these factors are modified using a field survey. The relationship between knowledge workers (people), process and technology in virtua ... read more
    Effective virtual teams for new product development. Nader Ale Ebrahim (2012) Sci. Res. Essays.
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  • Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., Abdul Rashid, S. H., Taha, Z., & Wazed, M. A. (2012). Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659.
    This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The study focused on the influence of virtual research and development (R&D) teams within Malaysian manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is better understanding of the application of collaborative technologies in business, to find the effective factors to assist SMEs to remain competitive in the future. The paper stresses to find an answer for a question “Is there any relation ... read more
    Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Ebrahim Nader Ale (2012) AMR.
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  • Wazed, M. A., Ahmed, S., Nukman, Y., & Ale Ebrahim, N. (2012). Models for Component Commonality in Multistage Production. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, 258-266.
    Models for Component Commonality in Multistage Production. Wazed M. A. (2011) AMM.
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  • created the Virtual R&D Teams journal club.
    July 29, 2012
  • joined JournalFire!
    July 29, 2012

Nader Ale Ebrahim | JournalFire

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