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Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Project community


論文名稱(中文)Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Project community: Perspectives of Individual Motivation, Virtual Community and Virtual Team
論文名稱(英文)Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Project community: Perspectives of Individual Motivation, Virtual Community and Virtual Team
系所名稱(英)Institute of International Management (IIMBA--Master)
研究生(英文)Ha Quang An
英文關鍵字OSS community  OSS project  Knowledge sharing  Social capital  Individual motivation  Team cognition  Virtual team  Virtual community  Social interaction  Trust  Identification  Share vision 
英文摘要 Nowadays, Open Source Software (OSS) is widely used and plays a crucial role in the software industry. OSS development is a knowledge-intensive activity that requires very high levels of domain knowledge and needs to maintain the knowledge sharing environment. OSS project develop by the contribution of OSS members on its virtual community where every member can communicate and develop software together. To create new open source software needs the motivation of all members, the resources embedded in the relationship in community and the coordination of members as a virtual team to complete the OSS tasks. This study focused on the knowledge sharing in the OSS project community under the individual motivation, virtual community and virtual team perspectives. We analyzed 304 surveys collected from OSS communities and found that the extrinsic motivation, some perspectives of virtual community such as social interaction, identification and perspective of virtual team – team cognition have a direct impact on knowledge sharing of OSS project community. The study found that all the perspectives of virtual community have a significant impact on team cognition, and therefore have indirect effect on the knowledge sharing in OSS. Moreover, our results indicated that knowledge sharing has a significant impact on project performance. Implications for theory building, practical management and future research are also discussed.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation. 1
1.2 Objective of the Study. 5
1.3 Scope of the Study. 6
1.4 The Organization of the Study. 6
2.1 Open-Source Software Project Community. 8
2.1.1 Open Source Software Project. 8
2.1.2 Open-Source Software Community as a Virtual Community. 10
2.1.3 Open-Source Software Community as a Virtual Team. 11
2.1.4 OSS Project Performance. 12
2.2 Knowledge Sharing. 12
2.2.1 Definition of Knowledge Sharing. 12
2.2.2 Knowledge Sharing in OSS Community. 14
2.2.3 Knowledge Sharing Barriers in OSS Project. 15
2.3 Individual Motivation. 18
2.4 Social Capital in Virtual Community. 20
2.4.1 Definition of Social Capital. 20
2.4.2 Structural Dimension: Social Interaction. 21
2.4.3 Relational Dimension: Trust and Identification. 21
2.4.4 Cognitive Dimension: Shared Vision. 22
2.5 Team Cognition. 23
2.6 Hypotheses Development. 24
2.6.1 The Influence of Individual Motivation on Knowledge Sharing. 24
2.6.2 The Influence of Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in OSS Community Setting. 26
2.6.3 The Influence of Team Cognition on Knowledge Sharing. 29
2.6.4 The Influence of Social Capital in OSS Community on Team Cognition. 30
2.6.5 The Influence of Knowledge Sharing on OSS Performance. 32
3.1 Research Model. 34
3.2 Hypotheses to be Tested. 35
3.3 Constructs Measurements. 35
3.3.1 Individual Motivations. 35
3.3.2 Social Capital. 37
3.3.3 Team Cognition. 38
3.3.4 Knowledge Sharing. 38
3.3.5 OSS Project Performance. 39
3.3.6 Control Variables. 40
3.4 Sample Plan and Data Collection. 40
3.5 Data Analysis Procedure. 41
3.5.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis. 41
3.5.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 41
3.5.3 Structural Equation Model (SEM). 42
4.1 Descriptive Analysis. 44
4.1.1 Data Collection. 44
4.1.2 Characteristics of Respondents. 45
4.1.3 Measurement Results for Relevant Research Variables. 46
4.2 Common Method Bias Test 49
4.3 Reliability and Validation Test. 51
4.4 Structural Equation Model (SEM). 56
4.5 Analysis of Variance. 61
4.5.1 T-test Analysis for Gender and Marital Status. 61
4.5.2 One-way ANOVA of Age. 62
4.5.3 One-way ANOVA of Experience in Participating OSS Project. 63
4.5.4 One-way ANOVA of Nationality. 63
4.5.5 One-way ANOVA of OSS Community Size. 64
4.5.6 One-way ANOVA of OSS Project Ages. 65
4.5.7 One-way ANOVA of OSS Category. 66
4.6 Testing the Role of Team Cognition as Mediator in Unsupported Hypothesis. 67
4.7 The Survey Result of Knowledge Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in OSS Community. 68
5.1 Research Conclusions. 72
5.2 Research Implications. 75
5.2.1 Theoretical Implication. 75
5.2.2 Managerial Implication. 76
5.3 Research Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research. 77
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