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Computer Research Repository (CoRR) Most Recent Articles: 02 May 2013

Computer Research Repository (CoRR)
Most Recent Articles: 02 May 2013
31 Articles
Hidden Markov Model Identifiability via Tensors
Paul Tune, Hung X. Nguyen and Matthew Roughan
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: Accepted to ISIT 2013. 5 pages, no figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0321 (May )
Finitely generated ideal languages and synchronizing automata
Vladimir V. Gusev, Marina I. Maslennikova and Elena V. Pribavkina
Comment: Submitted to WORDS 2013
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0336 (May )
A Markovian Model for Assessing the Consistency of Vehicular Storage Systems
Mauro Femminella, Gianluca Reali, Walter Colitti and Kris Steenhaut
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture
Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE LANMAN 2013
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0356 (May )
Relevance distributions across Bradford Zones: Can Bradfordizing improve search?
Philipp Mayr
Subjects: Information Retrieval; Digital Libraries
Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Preprint of a full paper @ 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI 2013)
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0357 (May )
Advanced Caching for Distributing Sensor Data through Programmable Nodes
M. Femminella, G. Reali, D. Valocchi, R. Francescangeli and H. Schulzrinne
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture
Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE LANMAN 2013
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0359 (May )
A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases
Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Hadi Farhadi, Masood Fooladi, Maryam Farhadi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Subjects: Digital Libraries; Computers and Society
Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0377 (May )
Does Criticisms Overcome the Praises of Journal Impact Factor?
Masood Fooladi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Maryam Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani, Hadi Farhadi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
Subjects: Digital Libraries
Comment: 7 pages, No figure
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0379 (May )
Optimal Distributed Scheduling in Wireless Networks under the SINR interference model
Prasanna Chaporkar and Alexandre Proutiere
Subjects: Information Theory;
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0384 (May )
Tensor Decompositions: A New Concept in Brain Data Analysis?
Andrzej Cichocki
Subjects: Numerical Analysis; Learning; Neurons and Cognition; Machine Learning
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0395 (May )
Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints: The MIMO Gaussian Wiretap Channel
Hugo Reboredo, João Xavier and Miguel R. D. Rodrigues
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0412 (May )
Testing Hypotheses by Regularized Maximum Mean Discrepancy
Somayeh Danafar, Paola M. V. Rancoita, Tobias Glasmachers, Kevin Whittingstall and Juergen Schmidhuber
Subjects: Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0423 (May )
TREEWIDTH and PATHWIDTH parameterized by vertex cover
Mathieu Chapelle, Mathieu Liedloff, Ioan Todinca and Yngve Villanger
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0433 (May )
An $S$-adic characterization of minimal subshifts with first difference of complexity $1 leq p(n+1) - p(n) leq 2$
Julien Leroy
Subjects: Discrete Mathematics; Combinatorics
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0434 (May )
The role of twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication
Emily S. Darling1, David Shiffman, Isabelle M. Côté and Joshua A. Drew
Subjects: Digital Libraries; Computers and Society; Physics and Society; Populations and Evolution
Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0435 (May )
Efficient routing on multilayered communication networks
Jie Zhou, Gang Yan and Choy-Heng Lai
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture; Physics and Society
Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0438 (May )
Deep Learning of Representations: Looking Forward
Yoshua Bengio
Subjects: Learning
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0445 (May )
Complexity Theory for Operators in Analysis
Akitoshi Kawamura and Stephen Cook
Subjects: Computational Complexity; Numerical Analysis
Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures; a few typos fixed after journal publication
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0453 (May )
On Topological Structure of Web Services Networks for Composition
Chantal Cherifi and Jean-Franccois Santucci
Subjects: Software Engineering
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0467 (May )
Community Structure in Interaction Web Service Networks
Chantal Cherifi and Jean-Franccois Santucci
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture; Physics and Society
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0471 (May )
Feasibility Analysis of Low Cost Graphical Processing Units for Electromagnetic Field Simulations by Finite Difference Time Domain Method
A V Choudhari, N A Pande and M R Gupta
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing; Computational Physics
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0483 (May )
Simple, Fast, and Scalable Reachability Oracle
Ruoming Jin and Guan Wang
Subjects: Databases
Comment: 12 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0502 (May )
Graph-Theoretic Characterization of The Feasibility of The Precoding-Based 3-Unicast Interference Alignment Scheme
Jaemin Han, Chih-Chun Wang and Ness B. Shroff
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, and 2 tables. This manuscript was submitted to IEEE Trans IT in May 2013
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0503 (May )
Hub-Accelerator: Fast and Exact Shortest Path Computation in Large Social Networks
Ruoming Jin, Ning Ruan, Bo You and Haixun Wang
Subjects: Databases; Physics and Society
Comment: 12 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0507 (May )
Fixed-Parameter and Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Agreement Forests of Multifurcating Trees
Chris Whidden, Robert G. Beiko and Norbert Zeh
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms; Populations and Evolution
Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0512 (May )
Limiting the Neighborhood: De-Small-World Network for Outbreak Prevention
Ruoming Jin, Yelong Shen, Lin Liu and Xue-wen Chen
Subjects: Physics and Society
Comment: 9 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0513 (May )
Finiteness up to bisimilarity is decidable for pushdown processes
Petr Jancar
Subjects: Logic in Computer Science;
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0516 (May )
Matrix Inversion Is As Easy As Exponentiation
Sushant Sachdeva and Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms; Numerical Analysis
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0526 (May )
On the Ratio of Revenue to Welfare in Single-Parameter Mechanism Design
Robert Kleinberg and Yang Yuan
Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory
Comment: 15 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0534 (May )
A Companion of "Relating Strong Behavioral Equivalences for Processes with Nondeterminism and Probabilities"
Marco Bernardo, Rocco De Nicola and Michele Loreti
Subjects: Logic in Computer Science
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0538 (May )
Privacy Preserving Recommendation System Based on Groups
Shang Shang, Yuk Hui, Pan Hui, Paul Cuff and Sanjeev Kulkarni
Subjects: Information Retrieval
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0540 (May )
On Achievable Rates for Channels with Mismatched Decoding
Anelia Somekh-Baruch
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: A shorter version of this paper was accepted to the International Symposium on Information Theory 2013
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0547 (May )
Cross Listings
APPLE: Approximate Path for Penalized Likelihood Estimators
Yi Yu and Yang Feng
Subjects: Machine Learning; Learning
Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1211.0889 (November )
Fixed-Parameter and Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Agreement Forests
Chris Whidden, Robert G. Beiko and Norbert Zeh
Subjects: Populations and Evolution; Data Structures and Algorithms
Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures. Removed the Approximation and TBR sections and simplified the Hybridization section. To appear in SIAM Journal on Computing
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1108.2664 (August 2011)
Betweenness Preference: Quantifying Correlations in the Topological Dynamics of Temporal Networks
René Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Antonios Garas, Claudio J. Tessone and Frank Schweitzer
Subjects: Physics and Society; Statistical Mechanics;
Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1208.0588 (August )
On k-visibility graphs
Matthew Babbitt, Jesse Geneson and Tanya Khovanova
Subjects: Combinatorics; Discrete Mathematics
Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0505 (May )
Analyzing the Length-Based Attack on Polycyclic Groups
David Garber, Delaram Kahrobaei and Ha T. Lam
Subjects: Group Theory; Cryptography and Security
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0548 (May )
From the Grid to the Smart Grid, Topologically
Giuliano Andrea Pagani and Marco Aiello
Subjects: Physics and Society; Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science; Computers and Society;
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0458 (May )
Self-organization of progress across the century of physics
Matjaz Perc
Subjects: Physics and Society; Digital Libraries;
Comment: 5 two-column pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Scientific Reports [the n-gram viewer for publications of the American Physical Society is available at http://www.matjazperc.com/aps]
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0552 (May )
Braess's Paradox in Epidemic Game: Better Condition Results in Less Payoff
Hai-Feng Zhang, Zimo Yang, Zhi-Xi Wu, Bing-Hong Wang and Tao Zhou
Subjects: Physics and Society; ; Populations and Evolution
Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0361 (May )
Burstiness and spreading on temporal networks
Renaud Lambiotte, Lionel Tabourier and Jean-Charles Delvenne
Subjects: Physics and Society; ; Populations and Evolution
Comment: 5 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0543 (May )
Model Selection for High-Dimensional Regression under the Generalized Irrepresentability Condition
Adel Javanmard and Andrea Montanari
Subjects: Statistics; Information Theory; Learning; ; Methodology; Machine Learning; Theory
Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1305.0355 (May )
Optimization over Geodesics for Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis
Stefan Sommer, Franccois Lauze and Mads Nielsen
Subjects: Computational Geometry
Comment: Revised version to be published in Advances in Computational Mathematics
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1008.1902 (August 2010)
Bounds on the Capacity of Random Insertion and Deletion-Additive Noise Channels
Mojtaba Rahmati and Tolga M. Duman
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1101.1310 (January 2011)
Approximate Tree Decompositions of Planar Graphs in Linear Time
Frank Kammer and Torsten Tholey
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms
Comment: Full version
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1104.2275 (April 2011)
Source-Channel Coding Theorems for the Multiple-Access Relay Channel
Yonathan Murin, Ron Dabora and Deniz Gündüz
Subjects: Information Theory;
Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1106.3713 (June 2011)
Lower Complexity Bounds for Lifted Inference
Manfred Jaeger
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence
Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1204.3255 (April )
Expressibility in the Lambda Calculus with Letrec
Clemens Grabmayer and Jan Rochel
Subjects: Programming Languages; Logic in Computer Science
Comment: 79 pages, 25 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1208.2383 (August )
Constrained Fault-Tolerant Resource Allocation
Kewen Liao, Hong Shen and Longkun Guo
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms
Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1208.3835 (August )
External memory bisimulation reduction of big graphs
Yongming Luo, George H. L. Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Yuqing Wu and Paul De Bra
Subjects: Databases; Data Structures and Algorithms
Comment: 17 pages
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1210.0748 (October )
Traffic-Aware Relay Sleep Control to Improve Energy Efficiency in Joint Macro-Relay Networks
Na Deng, Ming Zhao, Sihai Zhang and Wuyang Zhou
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture
Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author because this work needs to be further improved
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1210.3872 (October )
Approximation Algorithms for the Joint Replenishment Problem with Deadlines
Marcin Bienkowski, Jaroslaw Byrka, Marek Chrobak, Neil Dobbs, Tomasz Nowicki, Maxim Sviridenko, Grzegorz Swirszcz and Neal E. Young
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1212.3233 (December )
On the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Unconstrained Multiple-Access Channels
Yair Yona and Meir Feder
Subjects: Information Theory;
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1212.6074 (December )
Backdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Johannes Klaus Fichte and Stefan Szeider
Subjects: Logic in Computer Science; Artificial Intelligence
Comment: A short version will appear in the Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'13). A preliminary version of the paper was presented on the workshop Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012), 5th International Workshop, September 4, 2012, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1301.1391 (January )
Bisimulation and p-morphism for branching-time logics with indistinguishability relations
Alberto Gatto
Subjects: Logic in Computer Science
Comment: 10 pages, corrected typos
Abstract | Full text | References | Citations  arXiv:1302.6514 (February )

Computer Research Repository (CoRR) Most Recent Articles: 02 May 2013

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