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Conceptual issues of innovation networks digitalization


 Source: http://ojs.econindustry.org/index.php/ep/article/view/212

Conceptual issues of innovation networks digitalization

Hanna Z. Shevtsova, Vitaliy A. Omelyanenko, Olha V. Prokopenko



The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to solve the problem of developing conceptual issues of digital transformation management in the context of innovation trends, taking into account the overarching impact and large-scale prospects of digitalization processes.

The paper deals with the analysis of the digital aspects of innovation policy, in particular, based on the use of international rankings, the definition of features of building the digital component of innovation networks and the deepening of scientific and methodological approaches to digital support of innovation processes.

An overview of modern scientific and methodological approaches to defining the impact of digital transformation on innovation process is presented. Digital transformation can be seen as a factor in access to information and new opportunities that can improve technological capabilities. To assess the impact of digitalization on the development of innovation processes, the data of the Global Innovation Index and the ICT Development Index were used. Based on results of calculations, significant values of the positive correlation with the key components of the innovation system and the level of cluster development were obtained.

The study identifies marketing, communication, infrastructural, international dimensions of digitalization of innovation processes. It is shown that the increasing availability of ICTs necessitates a timely rethinking of many processes in the innovation sphere. On the basis of world experience, the role of universities has been substantiated, which should take on a significant part of the responsibility for the formation of a new technological order through improving the quality of researches and their results’ introduction into the real economy within the framework of S2B-B2S networks (Scіence-to-Busіness – Busіness-to-Scіence).

As a result of the study, the conclusion is substantiated that an integrated approach to the creation of digital innovation ecosystems requires the study of both institutions and participants, their interaction networks, the specifics of the environment, resources, technologies, etc. It is proposed to consider the role of ICTs in the development of innovation networks on the basis of combining such modern approaches to the development of innovations, in particular – multidisciplinary engineering analysis, system design methodology and parallel engineering methodology.

The analysis and deepening of scientific and methodological approaches to the digital support of innovation processes made it possible to identify other promising areas of digitalization of innovation processes, for example, within the framework of the activities of public authorities that ensure the introduction of electronic government technologies.


digitalization, innovation development, innovation networks, information and communication technologies, virtual innovation structure


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/econindustry2020.04.067


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