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33 Different ways for increasing citatons


  Source: https://libguides.sun.ac.za/c.php?g=1038354&p=7533663

Develop a plan for communicating your research
  • Create and maintain online profiles (e.g. GoogleScholar, ResearchGate)
  • Use persistent identifiers (e.g. ORCIDs, DOIs) to disambiguate yourself as author / link to your work
  • Publish in Open Access journals or choose Open Access options
  • Creative Commons license for your work for re-use
  • Post pre- or post-prints to repositories (SUNScholar)
  • Publish your data to data repositories (SUNScholarData)
  • Make social media engagement about your research a regular habit
  • Engage your audience in meaningful conversations about the topics that you are interested in
  • Connect with other researchers by means of academic network tools
  • Appeal to various audiences via multiple publication types
  • Check back in on your goals often


33 Different ways for increasing citatons

A paper by Nader Ale Ebrahim, reviewing relevant articles, extracted 33 different ways for increasing citation possibilities. Below some of the ways we would like to recommend (excluding the ways already mentioned in the list above):

  • Visibility is the key to higher citations
  • Use a standardised institutional affiliation and address, using no abbreviations
  • Assign keyword terms to the manuscript
  • Publish in journal with high impact factor
  • Team-authored articles get cited more
  • Write review articles
  • Contribute to Wikipedia
  • Create an online CV
  • Make a podcast about your research


Ale Ebrahim, Nader, et al. "Effective strategies for increasing citation frequency." International Education Studies 6.11 (2013): 93-99. http://eprints.rclis.org/20496/1/30366-105857-1-PB.pdf

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