Actualidad y perspectivas en la enseñanza delárea demanufactura a estudiantesde ingeniería//Current and future perspectives in teaching manufacturing area to engineering students
Este trabajo es una revisión sobre los desafíos que se presentan en la formación de ingenieros para desempeñarse en manufactura y las propuestasdetipo curricular y didáctico para enfrentar los desafíos detectados. Se decanta que la industria de manufactura contemporánea está sometida a una dinámica de transformación paulatinamente más rápida para satisfacer las demandas locales y globales. Varios investigadores plantean que esta dinámica se debe reflejar también en la educación en ingeniería e indican la necesidad inaplazable de integrar el conocimiento práctico en el currículo. Se evidencia también una rápida expansión e influencia de las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en los procesos educativos y son puestos en consideración los nuevos estilos de aprendizaje de los jóvenes y su influencia en las prácticas utilizadas en el aula. Finalmente, se reportan varios enfoquesestructurados para evaluar, ajustar y rediseñar las acciones de formación, entre otras, el aprendizaje por proyectos.
Palabras claves: ingeniería, procesos de manufactura, enseñanza, aprendizaje, enfoques estructurados.
This paper is a review of the challenges presented in the training of engineers to work in the manufacturing industry and the proposals of curricular and didactic kind to address the challenges identified. It is remarkable that the modern manufacturing industry is under a dynamic transformation gradually faster to meetthe local and global demands. Several researchers have suggested that this dynamic should be reflected also in engineering education and indicate the urgent need to integrate practical knowledge into the curriculum. Also is found a rapid expansion and influence of information and communication technologies in education and are put into consideration the new learning styles of young people and their influence on classroom practices. Finally, are reported several structured approaches to evaluate, adjust and redesign the training actions, among others, project based learning.
Key words: engineering, manufacturing processes, teaching, learning, structured approaches.
Palabras claves: ingeniería, procesos de manufactura, enseñanza, aprendizaje, enfoques estructurados.
This paper is a review of the challenges presented in the training of engineers to work in the manufacturing industry and the proposals of curricular and didactic kind to address the challenges identified. It is remarkable that the modern manufacturing industry is under a dynamic transformation gradually faster to meetthe local and global demands. Several researchers have suggested that this dynamic should be reflected also in engineering education and indicate the urgent need to integrate practical knowledge into the curriculum. Also is found a rapid expansion and influence of information and communication technologies in education and are put into consideration the new learning styles of young people and their influence on classroom practices. Finally, are reported several structured approaches to evaluate, adjust and redesign the training actions, among others, project based learning.
Key words: engineering, manufacturing processes, teaching, learning, structured approaches.
Actualidad y perspectivas en la enseñanza delárea demanufactura a estudiantesde ingeniería//Current and future perspectives in teaching manufacturing area to engineering students | Orjuela-Méndez | Ingeniería Mecánica