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Impact of Authors - Measuring Research Impact - Research Guides at City University of Hong Kong

 Source: http://libguides.library.cityu.edu.hk/researchimpact/authorimpact

Publication activities of authors

A way to assess an author's research impact is to evalute the publication activities of the author. Some common measures are:

  • The amount of his/her publications
  • The amount ofcitations that his/her publications have attracted
  • The impact/quality of the journals in which his/her papers have published (refer to the "Impact of journals" page for more)
The following Library-subscribed and free databases offer tools for you to get the above data. Click on a tool below to see how it can be used to measure the research impact of authors:

The h-index - a measure to evaluate an author's impact

What is h-index?

The h-index was developed in 2005 by Jorge E. Hirsch to quantify the research achievement of physicists based on the amount of their publications and the number of citations these publications have attracted.
Both the productivity and the impact of the researchers can then be
measured. Now, the h-index has been applied in other research fields as

A researcher with an index of h has published h papers, each of which has been cited by other papers at least h times. For example, if the h-index of an author is 8, this means that 8 of this author's papers have been cited 8 times or more.

Which databases provide h-index score?

Web of Science and Scopus
calculate the h-index of authors for you based on the publication and
citation information of the journals they index. A list of publications
is ranked in descending order by the number of times they have been
cited. The value of h is equal to the number of papers (N) in the list that have N or more citations.

To learn more about how to locate the h-index of authors from these
two databases, select an option in the "Publication activities of
authors" box above.

                                                                                     [From Web of Science] 

Your author profiles

If you have publications indexed in "Web of Science" and "Scopus", remember to verify your author profiles in these two databases to ensure accurate measurement of your publication activities. These two databases allow you to distinguish between your publications and those written by others with similar names.

Make sure your author profiles contains all your publications indexed in the databases. If not, add them to your profile. If you have just joined CityU, remember to add “City University of Hong Kong” as an assembling affiliation in your author profiles (e.g. in databases such as Web of Science - registration is required). For the Scopus database, the affiliation displayed in the author profile is based on your most recent publication.

You may also register for an ORCID account, a unique ID
for researchers. This account allows you to link your Scopus Author ID
and your Web of Science Researcher ID to put together all your
publication records. Your ORCID can then be included in your own author
file, CV, grant proposals or reports.

Refer to the guides below for more:

Embedding altmetrics data into your online profiles

Refer to "How to make use of altmetrics tools" on the "Altmetrics" page of this guide.

Impact of Authors - Measuring Research Impact - Research Guides at City University of Hong Kong

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