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Visibility and Citation Impact


NaderAleEbrahim, Hadi Salehi Embi, Mohamed Amin Habibi Tanha,Farid Hossein Gholizadeh Motahar, Seyed Mohammad

International Education Studies

DOI: 10.5539/ies.v7n4p120

The number of publications is the first criteria
for assessing a researcher output. However, the main measurement for
author productivity is the number of citations, and citations are
typically related to the paper's visibility. In this paper, the
relationship between article visibility and the number of citations is
investigated. A case study of two researchers who are using publication
marketing tools confirmed that the article visibility will greatly
improve the citation impact. Some strategies to make the publications
available to a larger audience have been presented at the end of this

Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency


NaderAleEbrahim, Hadi Salehi , Mohamed Amin Embi, Farid Habibi Tanha, Hossein Gholizadeh , Seyed Mohammad Motahar, Ali Ordi

International Education Studies

DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n11p93

Due to the effect of citation impact on The Higher
Education (THE) world university ranking system, most of the
researchers are looking for some helpful techniques to increase their
citation record. This paper by reviewing the relevant articles extracts
33 different ways for increasing the citations possibilities. The
results show that the article visibility has tended to receive more
download and citations. This is probably the first study to collect over
30 different ways to improve the citation record. Further study is
needed to explore and expand these techniques in specific fields of
study in order to make the results more precisely.

Ethical and Unethical Methods of Plagiarism Prevention in Academic Writing


Kaveh Bakhtiyari, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Masoud Shakiba, Azam Zavvari, Masoomeh Shahbazi-Moghadam,NaderAleEbrahim, Marjan Mohammadjafari

International Education Studies

DOI: 10.5539/ies.v7n7p52

This paper discusses plagiarism origins, and the
ethical solutions to prevent it. It also reviews some unethical
approaches, which may be used to decrease the plagiarism rate in
academic writings. We propose eight ethical techniques to avoid
unconscious and accidental plagiarism in manuscripts without using
online systems such as Turnitin and/or iThenticate for cross checking
and plagiarism detection. The efficiency of the proposed techniques is
evaluated on five different texts using students individually. After
application of the techniques on the texts, they were checked by
Turnitin to produce the plagiarism and similarity report. At the end,
the “effective factor” of each method has been compared with each other;
and the best result went to a hybrid combination of all techniques to
avoid plagiarism. The hybrid of ethical methods decreased the plagiarism
rate reported by Turnitin from nearly 100% to the average of 8.4% on 5

Economic Growth and Internet Usage Impact on Publication Productivity among ASEAN’s and World’s Best Universities


Gholizadeh, Hossein Salehi, Hadi Embi, Mohamed Amin Danaee, Mahmoud Ordi, Ali Tanha, Farid Habibi,NaderAleEbrahim, Osman, Noor Azuan Abu

Modern Applied Science

DOI: 10.5539/mas.v8n5p169

Measuring the number of papers which are published
each year, publication productivity is the factor which shows the
reputation of universities and countries. However, the effect of growing
economy and using internet on the publication productivity in Asian
countries has not been discovered yet. The present research is going to
figure out the publication productivity among the elite universities in
Asian countries and also ten top universities around the world in the
last twenty years (from 1993 to 2012). Furthermore, the current research
is aimed to study the relationship among publication, gross domestic
product (GDP) and internet usage. It is worth to mention that the
publication of the top Ten Malaysian Universities was regarded for the
similar period of time. To get the exact numbers of documents like
papers, conference articles, review papers and letters which are
published by the universities in the last twenty years, the writer of
the same paper used the Science Direct database. Moreover, the data for
GDP and the number of internet usage was collected through the World
Bank database (World Data Bank).To compare all kinds of
publications,one-way ANOVA was used and to investigate the impact of
economic growth and internet usage on publication productivity, multiple
regression analysis was applied.The results showed that the rate of
publication growth was 1.9, 20.9, and 65.5 % in top universities in the
world, ASEAN countries and Malaysia, respectively.The results also
showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between GDP
and the number of internet users with the number of publications in
ASEAN and Malaysian universities. Internet usage had much more influence
in comparison with the GDP in predicting the number of publications
among these groups except for top ten Malaysian universities from 2003
to 2012. In summary, publication trends in top ten Malaysian and ASEAN
universities are promising. However, policy makers and science managers
should spend much more percentage of their GDP on Internet facilities
and research studies that their outputs lead to more rapid economic
growth and internet usage.

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